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Challenge No.20 - Apocalypse Now.

Write a story or scene set during an apocalypse.


Clichés are clichés because they happen so often that the patterns are instantly recognisable. The patterns are instantly recognisable because they repeat too often. They repeat constantly because humans learn nothing from what happened before. On the contrary, every generation scorns the one before and believe it will never happen again. Even a dog learns to avoid the kick.

World War I happened in Europe and was the war that was going to end all wars. World War II happened in Europe and was the war that was going to end all wars. It started with much talk. Much rhetoric. Much diplomatic interventions, while the arms build-up continued. Then the tanks rolled into Poland. World War III happened in Europe and was the war that was going to end all wars. It started with much talk. Much rhetoric. Much diplomatic interventions, while the arms build-up continued. Then the tanks rolled into Ukraine.

Felicia raised her head from the essay and looked at the student. "A bit harsh, isn't it?"

Clement shrugged. "Only difference this time is there are no colonies to position on the front line, not people of colour to rally. Europeans must really face this head-on and this time nukes were deployed. This time the mutually assured destruction stopped no one."

Automatically they both looked out the window. Instead of the clean, clear, sunny, warm, magnificent view of Martinique, that used to be. All Saint Lucians now saw from their island was a nuclear winter. The war in Europe, WWIII, had changed the world.

"This will be the last session," Felecia said.

Clement nodded. "Makes sense. Of what use is a degree in geopolitical history when we are in the last days?"

"Well, that's a tad dramatic, isn't it? Surely there is hope?"

"You think? Edible food and potable water are running out fast. Nothing can grow. The great extinction of plants and animals is in full cascading mode. We cannot fish. Once the plants are gone and they are, then the animals go and when they go – so do we."

Felicia knew he was right.

"Saint Lucia was a tropical island in the heart of the Caribbean. Why else call her the Helen of the West.* Now, look at it. To venture outside takes military planning and precision. There are rumours of so many people already dead from the cold, starvation and suicide. I even heard there are cases of cannibalism."

"Oh, don't say that." Felicia moaned.

"The instinct to survive will not be denied."

"For someone so young, how can you be so logical in your view of things?"

"Your generation made us this way. When one is faced with the certainty of death, the fear goes away. Thanks to the old men who send the young to die, this planet can no longer sustain life."


"You know the sad part?"

"Tell me."

"Everyone said 'HE WON'T DO IT' famous last words don't you think?"

© 20 March 2022

* True nickname


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