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Jen: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Daisy: Sure!
Daisy: What's your favorite color?
Jen, laser f****** focused: Triangle. Do you like men?

Jen: I'm not a doctor I'm a medic.
Austin: What's the difference then?
Jen: Well doctors actually save lives, medics just make you feel more comfortable as you die.
Ren: Note to self; never get shot.

Kin: Do you need help getting up?
Aqua: Nah, I'm cool down here on the floor.

Ren: If I stay in bed I'll be warm. If I get in the shower, I'll also be warm. But the distance between the bed and shower? No. That is not warm.

Aqua: What situation is not instantly improved by the addition of fishnets, I ask you.
Me: Being a fish.
Aqua: Well, s***.

Daisy: Question. When they shot Bambi's mother, did you find that a sad moment...at all?
Lalo: I'm sure she's mounted on a nice wall in a fine home somewhere.

Darkness: We're having a baby.                                                                                                                            Emma: Oh, cangradu-                                                                                                                                                Kyle, slamming adoption papers onto the table: It's you, sign here.

Sam: Given the circumstances, I will let you hug me for four to five seconds.
Ember: Forty five seconds?!?
Sam: No! I said four TO five seconds.
Ember, hugging Sam: Too late.

Sam: What the hell were you thinking?
Kyle: I heard releasing birds at a wedding is romantic!
Sam: You released OSTRICHES!

Glitch, to Me: We had a date!
Glitch: *aggressively points to Hello Kitty Coloring Book*

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