Excuse me

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Taylor's POV
"There is never just one reason people do things...never." my psychology professor stated. I wanted to take psychology, because it was not only interesting to me, but it was a requirement for being a Criminal Psychologist/Criminal Profiler. I wanted so badly to be in that field. There were only a few minutes left in class and I was eager to get up and go to my next class. "Alright, you can gather your stuff now." Prof. Henley said. I gathered my things together and shoved them into my bag. Waiting eagerly for the dismissal of class. I heard two guys talking about the upcoming Duke basketball game against UNC, our arch rivals. I smiled to myself knowing that I would be there to watch it. Either that or I would watch it on TV. "You may leave." I heard my professor say. I got up and threw my bag over my shoulder. As I was walking down the hall, through the traffic of the crowd coming towards me, I prepared myself for the next class. Suddenly I bumped into someone causing me to drop my books. "Excuse me! Sorry sorry!!" I said while leaning over to get my books not even looking at who I bumped into. Another pair of hands were there faster than mine. Picking up my books and handing them to me I made eye contact with him. He was really tall and not to mention handsome. Wait...is that who I think it is??!!! "Grayson Allen?" My stomach filled with a nervous feeling and excitement. Grayson Allen was a guard on Duke's Basketball team. He was awesome!!! He smiled and shook his head. "Yeah that's me." I immediately grinned ear to ear. He was my favorite basketball players. "Wow it's nice to meet you!! You're like my favorite basketball player for our school." He laughed. "Thanks!! Sorry about your books." he said. I shook my head. "No no it's fine!!" He nodded. "Alright, well I have to go to class ummm maybe we'll run into each other again." he smiled. "Yeah. I gotta go too..." I paused. "...bye." he smiled, waved, and turned around and left. I smiled to myself thinking about what just happened. I can't believe I just met Grayson Allen! I have to tell Macy.
(Later that day after her classes.)
Taylor's POV
I open the door to my dorm room and yelled. "Macy? Where are you?" She pops her head from around the corner. "What is it?" She asked. I pretty much screamed it at her. "OH MY GOSH GUESS WHO I MET TODAY???!!!" She smiled impatiently. "WHO??" She yelled at the same pitch obviously getting excited like I was. "GRAYSON ALLEN!!!" Her face was immediately masked by surprise and she squealed with excitement. "EEEEEEH OH MY GOSH!!!! What did he say what did he say??!!!!!??" I smiled, but calmed down. "We ran in to each other in the hallway...literally...and he picked my books up for me and I noticed it was him and I was like "Grayson Allen?" And he was like "Yeah that's me." and so I told him he was my favorite basketball player and he said thanks and sorry for my books and I told him it was ok and he said he had to go and maybe we would run into each other again and I was like yeah ok bye!!!!" I inhaled a deep breath because of the mouthful I just let out. "OH MY GOSH!" Macy squealed. I winced at how loud she was. "Macy calm yourself girl." She laughed uncontrollably. "I can't help it!!" She said. "I had to not scream when I met him I'm sure you can help it!!!" I laughed with her. We continued laughing for the next few minutes, and then finally calmed down. "So how was Psychology today?" Macy asked. "It was great and interesting just like it is everyday. How was Bio Med?" I asked her back." She smiled. "It's was ok. It's hard, but I like it." I laughed. "Don't even go there! Just because it's hard means absolutely nothing. You'll probably be the one with the highest grade in your class!!" I told her. She shook her head and pointed her finger at me. "No no no, you would be the one to have the highest grade in class." she argued. I argued back. "I'm smart Macy, but I'm no Valedictorian." she shook her head and continued studying. I looked down into my own study book, but I wasn't studying. I was thinking about Grayson Allen. Thinking about all the possible ways I could see him again, don't get me wrong I'm not gonna stalk the guy or anything, but I was very hopeful we would see each other again. There was just something about that smile.

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