Mental Diagnosis

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Taylor's POV
I opened my eyes ever so slightly. A blaring light entered through the crease of my eye lids. I felt a throbbing pain in the back of my head. I groaned in pain. Where am I? "Oooooooh I'm glad you're awake for this. To be honest I didn't want to do it until you were." I squinted my eyes around the room until they landed on a familiar figure. "Jordan." I mumbled still out of it. Great. I knew she wanted to go after Grayson, but I didn't know she would go this far. I started to reason why she would do something like this in my mind and came up with a couple of scenarios. Every second she talked it seemed more and more clear to me. "Grayson loves me. He just doesn't know it. He is blinded by you. I don't think I have to spell out the rest." She explained. "No please enlighten me." I said trying to buy myself sometime. "Grayson and I have always loved each other. I made the mistake of cheating on him. I thought that if I did that and he saw me with another man, he would get protective over me and beat him up. Then our love would grow stronger. I just don't understand why he didn't see it that way." She said truly confused. I had cut it down to one of two scenarios now. "So why now?" I asked hoping I would be able to pin point what exactly it was that I was dealing with. "Well I saw Gray on the TV, and I just knew I had to make him remember how much he loved me and how much we were meant to be together." She told me. Great. I'm dealing with an erotomaniac. I don't know how I'm gonna get myself out of this. An erotomaniac is someone(often a woman) who "falls in love" with someone, usually of a higher hierarchy, and believes that they are in love with them too. At this point there is no reason to deny your love for them because they won't believe it. They will often do things that put you in danger so that there will be a chance that you may have to rescue them, and therefore making them believe even more that you love them. That's what I call "crazy in love." I learned of this disorder in Psychology. If I could just remember how to reason with this kind of person I may have a chance. I knew as soon as I realized what she was, that she was going to kill me. I could physically take on someone of Jordan's stature. That was when I realized that my hands were tied behind my back and my ankles were bound as well. Fantastic. "What time is it?" I asked her. "It is now 11:42 P.M." Oh no. It's been hours!!! They must be worried sick!! Oh no!! Macy!! "So what are you gonna do to me?" She smiled innocently. "Well I thought about it a lot. I realized how much trouble you were when Tyus texted me and told me the deal." She paused. Why did Tyus text her?? "So I figured it would be best if I eliminated the problem. Permanently. That way Gray would finally see that he loved me!!" I was silent for a little bit. Devising a plan to get me out of this. Interrupting my thought process she pulled out a gun. "Whoah Whoah Whoah hey Jordan let's talk about this!" I tried. She rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to kill you know I'll do it later when Grayson is there." She said. "This is just some motivation to not do anything stupid." She pulled out a knife and cut the rope bounding my ankles together. I finally got a good look at where we were. We were in the back of a van. Where the heck did she get a van? "Now come on let's go shall we!" She said not really asking. She kicked open the back doors. We were right in front of the practice gymnasium. "What if they aren't here?" I asked her. "Oh they all went in a few minutes ago. Including your little friend. She seemed worried. I guess she has reason to be right?" She said laughing maniacally. I was shoved out of the van and pushed towards the door roughly. "Oh I can't wait!!" She said truly and sadistically excited. "Aren't you worried they call campus police?" I asked trying desperately again to buy time. "I cut the campus police's phone lines." She replied smiling. I rolled my eyes and my stomach folded over. We stopped at the entrance and I peered through the window. They were all freaking out. Not all the boys were there but most of them were. She was right. Macy was in there. As if she sensed my presence she looked my way. I widened my eyes at her and Thank God she is my best friend because she knew immediately something was wrong. She basically read my mind and silently walked away. "Open the door." She demanded. I did as I was told. Instantly everyone turned to face me. They were all relieved, but then confused, then frightened. They saw me, Jordan, and the gun. "Taylor!!! Jordan I swear if you touch her!!" Grayson yelled. I stared at him intently and softly shook my head to tell him to stop talking. I had finally created a plan. I know what to do. Macy was gone, and all I had to do now, was stall her. "No Grayson. She has to do this. Besides Jordan Allen does have I nice ring to it doesn't it." I said praying he would go with it. At that point everyone in the room understood what I was doing. At least I hoped they did. "I'm so glad you can finally see that Taylor! See baby if she can see it, you can too! You know you love me Gray! You just need help seeing it!" She said. "I love you Grayson! I always have! That deal with Carter was just to test your love for me! I thought you knew that! But no you broke up with me! You said some mean things that hurt my feelings a lot! I was doing the same thing with Tyus! Once you saw me with him it filled you with jealousy didn't it?" She asked waiting for an answer. I nodded ever so slightly giving him the ok to play along. "Yes. I admit I did. I've always had feelings for you Jordan. I've never let go." He said nailing it perfectly! Inside I was cheering him on like at one of his games. "I knew it! Now we can be together forever right baby?" She asked lowering the gun from my back. Grayson's gaze shifted ever so slightly I smiled. "I don't think so! You'll be spending forever in Hell!" I heard Macy's glorious voice coming to my rescue. I took that chance and turned around swiftly. In that moment there were two shots fired and in that same moment..........two bodies collapsed.

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