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Taylor's POV
"So, even when it's not basketball season, you still practice almost everyday?" I asked. He nodded his head in agreement. "Wow. I guess you have to in order to be so good." I said. "Why do you keep acting like I'm some major celebrity?" He asked seriously. "Do you want my honest answer?" He nodded for me to go on. "Considering the fact that you are my favorite athlete, and I'm meeting you. It makes it exciting. It's not just you though. If I met the whole team I would treat them the same way, just simply because I love Duke basketball, and I don't miss a game." He looked at me with amazement. "What?" I asked curiously. "I didn't realize that I was somebody's favorite, well anything." I looked down. "I'm sorry. Is that weird to you?" I asked. He immediately shook his no. "No, in fact it makes me feel good. It makes me think that I'm doing pretty good at basketball." I stared at him and shook my head in disbelief. "What?" He asked now it being his turn to ask. "You really don't see it do you? Grayson, your an amazing basketball player!!! You almost never miss your 3-point shots, You literally fulfill the name "guard", and you are one heck of Slam Dunker. I don't think I have ever seen anyone do some of the things you do. You're gonna make history dude." He stared at me with his mouth agape. "Thank you." was all he could manage. I just smiled at him. Who would have thought that I would be friends with Grayson Allen? "How about I give you a treat later? It would be kind of a thank you for the really nice and encouraging words you said to me." I literally could not wait to know what it was the moment it came out of his mouth. "What is it?" I asked impatiently. He chuckled. "You'll just have to wait and find out." I groaned immediately. "Ughhhhh fine." I could tell he was enjoying himself. "Oh and...." the clock interrupted him by reminding everyone they had five minutes to get to class. That is if you had one at 8:15 AM. " have to go don't you?" I sadly nodded. "That's ok, maybe we could go get coffee later." He asked. "Coffee?" I asked back wondering why he wanted to get to know me so well. "Yeah, if you don't mind. You're really easy to talk to and not to mention your interesting yourself. So, coffee?" I giggled and replied "Yeah sure." He grinned widely. "Great. Meet me on the practice court. That's more than likely where I'll be." I wondered where this could be going. Grayson asked me to go have coffee with him, and said I was really interesting. Either I'm going to rock as a psychologist, or Grayson and I are actually becoming friends. "Ok, see ya then." I waved and turned around off to my class.
I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Grayson asked me to go get coffee with him. It seems a little weird. Okay it seems a lot weird. Because I kinda have trust issues I began to think there was another reason behind him wanting to get coffee with me. No. Not everyone who wants to be overly nice to you is out to get you. I have to accept that, yet it will still be a thought on my mind.
I made my way onto the basketball court. Nobody was there. I decided to wait another minute. I felt hands poking me on both sides. I gasped. "What the-" I turned around half expecting to see Grayson, but it wasn't. In fact I don't know who it it is. "Who are you?" I asked quite surprised by his actions. He was a tall buff guy and had brown hair matching his eyes. "You don't know me?" He asked. "No." I answered. "We have Psychology together." I still don't recognize him. "Sorry...still doesn't ring a bell." he laughed. "That's ok. I saw you come in here and I was going to ask you if maybe you wanted to go out somewhere?" WHAT THE HECK??? I just told this guy I didn't know him!! Yet he still asks me to go out with him??!!!?? Who does that??!! "Ummm sorry I'm meeting someone." I said. He was quick to answer. "Well I'm sure they will be fine without you. Come on...I want I get to know you." I just stared at him with this look like he was crazy. He is crazy. "No. I don't go out with people I've never met." he began to get agitated. "What about Grayson Allen? You don't even know him and your going to get coffee with him!" He said raising his voice. This guy was really starting to creep me out. "I do know him and......wait.....I didn't tell you I was meeting Grayson or that I was getting coffee with him." He squinted his eyes, and I began to feel a fear rise up inside me. Then I heard a door open. "Hey!! Is there a problem?" It was Grayson thank God!! "No. I was just leaving." the unknown guy said, and with that he turned around and walked out. I didn't even look at Grayson as he approached me. I heard some other people behind him. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Do you know that guy?" I looked up at him and gasped. "No I don't, but I thought maybe you did?" I asked. He shook his no. "Why?" I looked down and slowly looked back up at him. "He knew we were getting coffee, and I didn't tell him."

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