Chapter 3: Initiation

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Narrator POV

Y/n hummed as he walked through the emerald forest, watching his aura level go back up far faster than what was normal for most people. He was acutely aware that there were camera's hidden all over the forest, along with a drone that was made to look like a bird that was tailing him, they weren't distracting, just slightly irritating as he wasn't a massive fan of being on camera.

There was a growling from behind him. He turned around and went into a limbo pose, a large black paw sailing harmlessly above him. He snapped his back forward, headbutting the grimm in the nose and sending it reeling backwards in pain.

The specific grimm was a beowulf. A hulking wolf like creature with jet black fur, glowing red eyes set in a pure white mask, with several other bony protrusions from its body. The grimm dropped back onto all fours and growled.

Y/n rolled his eyes in disappointment. Of course, the first thing he'd find was possibly the most pathetic grimm there was, and only one of them at that.

The Beowulf lunged forward; its jaws open wide. Before the creatures' teeth could make contact with Y/n he grabbed it by the snout and forced it into the dirt.

Y/n: "Not even worth one of my infinite bullets."

His arm glowed blue as he punched right through the beast's head, and several inches into the dirt below. He got up, not bothering to watch it slowly dissolve into ash. He continued his stroll though the woods, not noticing the large sparking footprint that was embedded into the ground several feet away.


Elsewhere in the forest, Yang was strutting in a random direction, she was completely calm in the forest of death monsters.

Yang: "Hello, is anyone out there? Hello! Getting bored here."

She turned around at the sound of rustling in the bushes.

Yang: "Someone there?"

She walked to the thick foliage and moved it aside.

Yang "Ruby is that you? Nope."

She rolled out of the way of a huge bear like grimm slamming its paw on the ground, an ursa, only slightly less disappointing than a beowulf. She activated her weapon, the bracelets turning into large yellow gauntlets with shotgun shells lining the underside. She cartwheeled back to dodge the charge of a second ursa that ended up next to the first.

One ran forward but got sent back by an explosive punch to the chest. The second one was hit with an equally incendiary uppercut before being sent back by an elbow strike enhanced by the shotguns recoil.

Yang: "You guys wouldn't have happened to have seen a girl in a red hood, would you?"

She knew that she had this fight in the bag, so there was no harm in gloating a little. The ursa roared loudly and charged forward.

Yang: "You could just say no!"

She ducked under a swing and backflipped out of the way of another.

Yang: "Geez, you two couldn't hit the broad side of a...."

She stopped as she saw it. A single strand of her golden hair floating down to the ground before her.

Yang: "You... YOU MONSTERS!!!"

She exploded in fire as her eyes turned a burning red. She blasted herself at the grimm and fired shot after shot into its gut, the final one sending it through three trees.

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