Chapter 5: trouble with JNPR

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Narrator POV

Metal clashed loudly in the combat class arena.

Jaune was fighting against the leader of team CRDL, Cardin Winchester. He was tall, standing head and shoulders over Jaune, with burnt orange hair in a fuax hawk and indigo eyes. Like Jaune he wore plate armour, but Cardin's was a silvery grey with gold trimming and a golden bird emblem on his chestplate.

To say the fight had been boring was an understatement. While Y/n's fight with Pyrrha had been one sided in a way that was fun for the students to watch, this was one sided in the way that felt like watching someone kick the shit out of a puppy that couldn't fight back.

Jaune charged forward and slammed his sword down, missing completely and being flung back by Cardin, his shield being launched across the arena. He got up and repeated the action, using both hands for an overhead cleave that clanged against the handle of Cardin's mace.

With seemingly no effort, the ginger pushed him back, the height and weight advantage being way too much for Jaune to overcome with his non-existent skill level.

Cardin: "This is the part where you lose."

Jaune: "Over my dead-"

All the wind was knocked out of him by a knee to the gut. Jaune fell to the floor as Cardin raised his weapon, ready to beat the hell out of him even more. The sound of a buzzer brought both boys back to the present.

Goodwitch: "That's enough."

She stepped between them as she walked to the centre of the arena.

Goodwitch: "Students, as you can see, Mr Arc's area has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle, and that the official will call the match."

She spoke much quieter now, speaking to Jaune directly.

Goodwitch: "Mr Arc it's been weeks now, please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your aura will help you decide when it is appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Baowulf, now, would we?"

Cardin: "Speak for yourself."

He muttered that to himself.

Y/n: 'It sounds like she was hitting on Jaune. Christ was Ozpin not enough for her?'

Goodwitch: "Remember everyone, the Vytal festival is only a few months away. It won't be long until students from the other kingdoms will be arriving in Vale, so keep practicing. Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale."

The Vytal festival, a several day tournament where students form all four huntsman schools duke it out in team, two vs two, and solo battles. While Y/n would normally be hyped for this, he wasn't allowed to compete because he was on a solo team, and they couldn't just put him right into the finals. Y/n would continue to attest that it was because the other schools couldn't take a whole team losing to one guy.


Dust studies was quite the opposite of combat class in the way that, while Y/n expected to be board out of his mind, it was actually pretty fun. This was mainly due to Lila not insulting their intelligence by going over the very basics of dust like Goodwitch had with fighting.

Lila: "If you have mixed the ice and fire dust correctly, then you should now be looking at a glass of incredibly hot boiling water."

Another perk of the class was that they did lots of experiments combining dust types, although today was the fist time they had used Y/n's personal combo. While many would expect the Schnee twins to excel in this class given it's the family business, they would only be correct about Weiss.

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