Chapter 4: Combat class

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Narrator POV

It was early in the morning, nine a.m. specifically, and Y/n was walking around vale. He was looking at the small brown book the school had given him, it contained everything from dates for school evens, his timetable, even what was getting served in the cafeteria.

Y/n: "Alright, so I've got grimm studies first, a free lesson, lunch, combat training, and dust studies. Sounds pretty boring."

While he knew he should have gone shopping during his free lesson or at lunch, he didn't care to sit through an hour and a half of learning about monsters from a textbook when he could just kill the damn things.

He glanced around at the shops of the city, not finding anything that would sell what he needed. He was looking for a place where he could get another box for the sword that he'd used to escape from Roman. Sadly, he knew that would require the sword be present, so he had it strapped to his waist in place of his regular pistols, a rainbow mist surrounding the blade. He was getting lots of odd looks for having a weapon that looked straight out of the dark ages of Remnants history.

He pushed his way through a crowd that was hording the samples worker at the new dessert shop. As he was done forcing his way through the people, he knocked someone over.

Looking down he saw a girl with black hair tied in pigtails and emerald green eyes. She was wearing a white crop top with a black hoodie and joggers. He also noted the plain black umbrella she was holding despite the sunny day.

He offered his hand to her, but she didn't do anything. She just stared at his face, with her eyes occasionally flicking down to his glowing sword.

Y/n: "Take a picture it'll last longer."

She snapped out of her trance and took his hand, he felt that she was incredibly light as he helped her up. When she was on her feet he saw why, she was tiny, standing at not even five foot tall.

There was an awkward silene between the two.

Y/n: "Hey, do you know if there's a metalworking shop where I can make a custom order near here?"

The girl nodded her head and pointed behind her, looking at the store she'd pointed out, he saw the words Custom Order Smithing Shop emblazoned over the doorway.

He blinked several times, how in the sweet mother of fuck had he missed that?

Y/n: "Thanks."

As he turned back to the girl, he saw that she was already gone, no doubt using her diminutive size to hide in the crowd. He walked to the smithing shop, missing the pink and brown eyes watching him like a hawk.

As Y/n opened the door, a bell rang out. There was a burly voice from another room in the shop.

???: "Give me a minute I'll be there in a second!"

Y/n looked around, the place had several different things made from steel lining the walls, there were necklaces, weapons, armour, general house decorations. The shop seemed to have just about everything.

The voice from before sounded again.

???: "Well, what can I help you with Mr Schnee?"

Y/n turned around to see who he presumed was the owner. The dude was massive, with muscles threatening to burst from beneath his tanned skin that was covered in scars. His hair was a greying black buzzcut with a lightning bolt shaved into the left side. He was only wearing a white tank top and what looked like a grey prison tracksuit that was fastened at his waist with a belt with a large silver buckle.

Y/n's blue eyes met the man's silver ones, although the teen had to crane his neck as he only went to the man's armpit.

Y/n: "I need a box made to hold my sword. Needs to be durable and hide it completely. How fast can you get it done?"

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