Chapter 19

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Song's POV

Where am I?why is it soo bright here?

Ugh..why is it my head's hurts?!!!what's happening? !

I slowly open my eyes,and found here in the bed..I guess ..I'm here with my friend now.HOSPITAL.

"Oh!thank God!you're awake already! "Bekhyun said..

"Is you're head hurts?or are you feeling dizzy?"he ask worriedly ..

"No.."then he kissed my forehead ..

"Y-Yeobo..?"I called him

"Why am I here..?"I can sense that he is..shocked maybe?

"Y-You called me Y-Yeobo?!!"he said then he hug me tight and I heard that he is crying now..ok,did I miss something?

"Y-Yeah..?why are you acting so weird?!"I ask as I burst out..haha

He explained to me everything in EVERYTHING ..ugh!what a pest of amnesia!!

We heard the door open..and it reveals all EXO members (except Baekhyun) worried face and happy face..

"Noona!!"Sehun hug me as he saw me awake..haha this little maknae is soo..thoughtful?haha I'm not sure..xD

"Sehun!"I hug him back..I can see that Baekhyun--all of them are glaring to Sehun..haha

"Come 'on guys!let's just have a group hug.."Suho said as they all come closer to me..

After our hugging session..the door came in with a happy face like this------------> ^_________________^ hahaha

"So,I guess Mrs. Byun,remember it all already in her past,am I right Mrs. Byun..?I just nodded to him..I can't imagine that this doctor will call me 'Mrs. Byun' hahaha..

"So,I just want to tell you that,we should go under some medical examinations,like that we can sure that there is no damage in your brain..maybe tomorrow,you can leave this hospital .."After he says that,he already left..

Yahet!!I can leave tomorrow!!! I can't wait to go home..^_^ ^^„

Baekhyun's POV

Its already midnight ..I told them to go home now,'cause I can manage her now..I'm so!happy that she's back to me!!haha..I know I'm cheesy (not just now,but sometimes) ,I just can't help it..haha

"E-Eoma!"Song-ah said,wait,she's talking while sleeping?!

"Why did you leave me?!I thought you will fight!"she said..I notice that she is now starting to cry..I didn't take it anymore ..!

"Song-ah!wake up!!"I try to wake her up..

She waked up..thank god!

"B-Baekhyun!"she said between her sobs..
I comfort her..

"Gwaenchana..I'm here,don't worry.."I said as I pat her back..

She is still crying,then I decided to sing for her..

[just insert song here]

Sehun's POV

"Hyung,do you think Baekhyun Hyung will be ok..?"I ask Suho Hyung for the 100th times

Then,Suho Hyung answered me for the 100th time,

"For 100th time Sehun..I think he will be ok..besides,Spng-ah is ok already .."he answered to me..

I forgot to tell you that we are here now in our room..ready to sleep..

*Sigh!* Thank God..Song-ah is fine now...:D

Song's POV

Weeks passed and I got discharged in the hospital ..Hospital is like a HELL to me!and their foods!

Today is the day that I'll be going to the hospital ..I'll just get my medical examination ..[you remember when the doctor said they need to have some tests first]

I arrived already here in my doctor's office..or whatever do you call that..

"Oh!Good morning Mrs. Byun.."the doctor greets me..I can't use myself for calling me Mrs. Byun..hahaha

"Good morning too.."I greet him back and I bow..he sign me to sit down..I obey him too..

"So,the results are here.."he started "I'm glad that you remembered all?or sort of..umm,as I was saying,the results don't have to worry that much..but,take medicines and don't stress out yourself ..ok?"he explained to me..I just nodded in an answer..I'm soo!happy

"Gam sa hamnida!"I thank him then I leave the hospital ..I can't wait to tell this to Baekhyun!YAY!!!haha

Hmm..I will just go the SM building ..I will surprise them all..hahaha great idea!!

I went to the restaurant and buy some chickens and bulgogi..haha I know,this is not their type (bulgogi) but I want them to try it..haha

I arrived in the SM building with care..I headed to their practice room,to find them practicing their song..

"Noona!!"Sehun greet me as soon they are done in practice ..

"Annyeong Guys!I brought some food to all of us.."I said..then they headed to me like kids..haha

"Noona!you didn't eat yet?"Sehun ask me..

"Do you think I ate already ..?"I ask him playfully ..he just scratch his head and pout..ahh~~ kyeoptta~~~!!

"So,what is it?"Baekhyun said out of the blue

"Ah!let's talk outside .."I said in a serious tone..haha..I got this trick ..hihihi ^_^v

We are now here outside ..still quiet one wants to open up a I decided to cut it..

"The doctor told me earlier that.......................

I'm fine!!"I said in a hyper mode..haha I know..I'm like a crazy this days..haha

"Jjinaj?!!I'm soo happy!!!:D"he said then hugged me..a hug like he doesn't want to let go of me from now on..

"Do you want to eat outside later ..?"he ask as he let go of me..

"Hmm..I don't want..of course!! "I hit her arm playfully ..

"Ehem!!*fake cough* *fake cough*"they do it in unison..haha

Someone's POV

I need to tell her this..I need to tell this plan to Jessica..

----------------end of the chapter---------------

A/N:annyeong!sorry for not updating..there's just a problem on the wi-fi..I hope you can forgive me..*depress*
Haha just kidding!!^_^

Do my drill guys..






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