Chapter 14

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We had been on the trail of Maria's disappearance for weeks now. Little bits of evidence were coming up here and there but nothing solid. She was like a mother to me. She'll be okay Tris, It's Maria, she's resourceful, she'll be okay.

"FOUND HER" Will comes running down the stairs and opens a video up on the TV screen we stand alertly infront of. It's Maria, shooting her way out of some factory, it's timestapped, this happened 10 minutes ago.

"Where is this going down?" Tobias asks. "I've sent the location to your phones and it's in your GPS. Go Go Go" Will shouts. We grab our guns since our cars are already loaded up for a raid.

We sprint to our cars and speed down the road. Whenever cops looked our way, we flashed our badges, in a way that says "get the fuck out of the way".

We arrive a short five minutes later and put on our vests and grab out our rifles. We walk the perimeter but find no guards. Probably went in to fight. We start to storm the building.

I see Maria crouched down shooting. She spots me and her eyes bulge. "TRIS GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" she screams. I'm confused, I'm about to ask why when a gunshot rips through my body. I feel another one about to come but someone shoved me out of the way and took it.



long time no see.

the end is coming

Happily Gunshot After - DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now