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A pair of red wolf eyes stared at you. It snarled and showed of its canines before crouching lower to pounce. You point your finger into the ground right before the wolf and drew a line of fire. As fire appeared it separated you from the large wolf. This doesn't stun the wolf at all, however. It only growled louder before jumping towards you.


"Ah!" you woke up right before you are mauled, panting. You closed your eyes and slowed down your breathing. You were not in danger. You were at home. You were safe. As your breathing steadied, you flipped onto your back and stared at the ceiling. It was that dream again. When did these dreams start happening? You definitely felt like you had been having them before moving back to your uncle's treehouse.

"Mrrow?" you heard something. That wolf dream again? Do you think it means anything?

You sat up and saw your black cat, Tala getting up on your bed and rubbing against your torso. Her tail rubbed against your chin and tickled your nose slightly.

"I'm not sure...maybe it's just a sign that a big wolf will come visit. It's not too crazy, I mean I do live in the woods...But hopefully it's not an evil wolf who'll attack me."

"Mrrow..." Whatever. I'm hungry. Breakfast time!

You nodded and slowly got up. You walked up to your bedroom window. You pushed the window open and stared at the forest beyond your home. You breathed in the fresh air and let out a satisfied sigh. Moving back in the forest was the best decision you had ever made. Wolf attack or not, you wouldn't have chosen different.


You quickly packed your things into a black duffle bag as quietly as you could. On your bed, you saw a pair of green eyes looking at you. Tala, your cat familiar slowly approached you. You scratched her head softly and smiled at her.

"Don't worry Tala, soon it will be you and me and uncle. You'll like him, I promise. He makes the best salmon tartrate."

"Mrrrow," she merely purred while rubbing up against your arms.

"You really think running away into the forest is the answer? You can't do this," a voice whispered to you in the dark. You slowly glanced towards the voice to see an older lady with long black hair and nails, wearing a bodycon dress at your doorway. Jeez were those her pajamas or did she always dress like this? If she did always dress like this, why?

"I have to," you said while picking up your broomstick along with your bag of clothes, "I don't belong here."

"Y/N! How can you be so ungrateful! We worked so hard to save you from your crazy uncle and you're just going to go back to him?"

"How dare you! Just because he didn't follow the family legacy doesn't mean he was crazy! My uncle was a good man who didn't sell his soul for money and fame."

"You can't deny who you are, Y/N. It will follow you."

"Well, it doesn't have to! Some scholars say that magic doesn't even have to be linked to one purpose. We can choose how to use our magic." You argued then opened your bedroom window. Tala jumped up on the windowsill and looked outside.

"Y/N, it's your destiny. There's a reason why your uncle kidnapped you and hid you away. He knows what you're capable of. He was just too stupid to think that he could change you."

"Like my uncle, I defy that destiny!" you firmly stated then jumped out the window.

Tala jumped right after you. As you fell, you closed your eyes and cherished the feeling of the wind against your face. You heard a rather annoyed meow behind you.

In the Deep Woods // YoongixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now