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Most of the morning had passed, as the alphas searched for the three young wolves. About an hour ago  the alphas decided to split up to cover more ground. Yoongi was quickly running out of energy. He should've eaten more, he thought. He closed his eyes and tried to pick up the scent of the three boys. He inhaled deeply. 

Squirrels...pine trees...wildflowers...some orange scent?...and French toast? 

Yoongi opened his eyes and looked around. He was sure that he was far away enough from the mansion to stop smelling breakfast. So why did he smell oranges and French toast? Maybe it was his hungry mind messing with his senses. He shook his head and tried to reset. He closed his eyes again and inhaled deeply again. 

Squirrels... pine trees...citrus...wildflowers...French toast... blue jays...sparrows...fresh water...French toast—stupid hungry brain—...some citrusy scent again and wolves. 

Yoongi scrunched his nose and tried to discern the wolf scent. He sniffed the air intensely. They didn't smell foreign...they were pretty familiar. They weren't any of the alpha scents he recognized...young...The scent is young! It's the kids! Yoongi howled and sprinted towards the scent.


"Noona which one of us is your favorite?" Beomgyu curled up cutely in your lap.

"I don't have a favorite. And even if I did why would I tell you?" you laughed while ruffling his hair.

"It's okay, I know it's me." Yeonjun pushed Beomgyu off your lap and placed his head on your lap instead.

"Why would it be you? It's obviously me!" Beomgyu growled and pulled Yeonjun off. The two then wrestled on the floor. While they're distracted, Soobin snuck onto your lap and earned some head scratches you. You laughed at the two kids wrestling and laughed even harder when they realized they had been outsmarted by Soobin. As punishment, Soobin was pulled into the wrestling mix.

"Noona help!" Soobin yelled as Yeonjun jumped on top of him.

"Alright, kids stop with the rough housing! Let's go gather some herbs." You stood up and snapped your fingers, summoning a basket from your upstairs bedroom.

"What are we making today?" Beomgyu circling you.

"It's a surprise," you winked at him then headed outside with the three wolves right behind.


The scent of the young wolves grew stronger as Yoongi dashed through the forest. He paused for a moment and looked around. He was pretty far from home but luckily still in their pack's territory. He hoped the kids hadn't gone too far. It was fine as long as they stayed in the territory. But the moment they stepped out, things became more complicated. He wasn't ready to fight other wolves... not in his hungry condition. He looked up at the sky, it was probably midday already. As he looked around, he noticed things he hadn't seen before. The types of trees had changed. They weren't just pine or fir anymore. They became the flowering type. There were also a lot more rocks in the area. There were also a lot more mountain area.

Wait...Where was he exactly?

He realized that he had never really been that far out in their territory before. Damn where did those kids go? Why were they this far out? Yoongi shook his head to focus and howled before running towards the kids' scent once more.


"Did you hear that?" Soobin stopped plucking flowers.

"Yeah I heard it too!" Yeonjun looked around.

In the Deep Woods // YoongixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now