Chapter 4

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   As Hinata and Tsukishima walked there was thick silence that could easily be sliced through with a butter knife. Hinata was nervous; not sure what questions he needed to ask or needed to be answered. However, one thing was certain. He was going to make Tsukishima spill everything no matter how long it took 

"How long are you gonna be silent it's annoying" Tsukishima asked

"Oooh sorry," Hinata immediately replied, " So how long have you known?" Hinata asked needing to know what bases needed to be covered in order to avoid such an incident from occurring again. 

"My Uncle is your manager." Tsukishima answered as if it were the most non important thing in the world. 

"Eeeeh!!" Hinata stopped abruptly and exclamaimed. "You're Yato's nephew?" Hinata asked with shock.

"Yeah can't you see the similarities." Tsukishima asked as if Hinata was the most clueless being he had ever met. "I'v known who you are ever since you started out as Azel. You kinda hid it well surprisingly." 

'Yato is Tsuki's uncle. That means the nephew he's always bragging about is my teammate! Oh my god .'Hinata thought 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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