Monday, March 21st, 2022

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This is just my personal feelings about religion because if i tell my mom i don't think she will react well and i not crossing that bridge till I'm 18. Keep in mind I respect that believe in God because they're doing what makes them happy.

So with that in mind, I've never really believed it any of it. I've never wanted to go, I've never liked it and when i forced myself to try I was put at one the most depressing times of my life. I quite literally almost ended my life because of religion. These past 3 years just solidified me not being Christian or Catholic. Now I'm not saying I'm not a religious person. I haven't researched other religions to the point where i know I don't want to follow them but i know for a fact I'm not going to be Christian or Catholic.

I'm not going to change who I am to fit a religion that so clearly goes against my moral core beliefs and who i am as a person. I still believe that there is a possibility of something bigger then me being out there. Although, i don't think it's the God that either of those religion talks about. I have noticed i can't have a life that makes me truly happy if i follow those religions. If my wrong, Im willing to accept that my beliefs, being myself, and my happiness will get me sent to Hell.

Maybe I'll find a religion that I can follow without having to give who i am up. However until that day I'm not going to cherry pick the bible or change who i am for the bible. If that makes me selfish then, so be it. I am so done of changing myself for everyone else no matter who there are. I'm gonna live for me, do what makes me happy, do what's best for me and just enjoy life the way i want. Because what's the point of life if you can't enjoy it.

Thanks for reading my rant and everyone have a nice day/night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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