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It was a night like any other night for the three princesses of Astrad. Mischief before bed being the usual norm. Well at least for Jade and Sepher. Ren on the other hand was at her bedside looking poised. Her eyes closed, limbs pulled to the centre. Her arms stretched out as she cleared her mind in deep relaxation. Deep in meditation her physical being rising gradually from her bed. Her concentration unmatched, her thoughts, composure and state of mind unrivalled. Her arms covered with blood flowing veins as her eyes turned to a bright shade of the color white.

Jade and Sepher watching in utter amazement and disbelief. Their sister, a generational fire lord that transcended the royal family for centuries. The two cheeky sisters signaling to one another that they should join in on the fun. Sepher stretched out her palm, an amazing power surge emanating from her hand. She controlled it expertly forming a spherical ball and thrusting it with all her might towards Ren. The flip in mid air by Ren was astounding as she turned to repel the orb in a flash, using her fire power.

"Is that all you got?" Ren's eyes were blazing with fire, her palms covered in fire orbs ready to strike.

Jade shielded Ren's attempt to blast her with fire before countering with her unbearable telepathic waves, levelling Ren who fell to the bed.

" I wasn't ready," defended Ren holding her temple as she slowly got to her feet. Sepher and Jade on high alert for her next move.

" Besides, it's two against one," continued Ren as the three sisters sized up each other. Jade with an icy gaze with Ren watching their every step. A friendly melee.

"Wait, why is the palace under the protection beam?" Sepher noticed the illumination of the power spell the gatekeeper had placed on the palace through their window. The three sisters rushing to see it with their very own eyes. A beam of sorts had covered the entire palace walls, letting nothing or no one in or out.

"Must be something of significance, the palace is rarely under a protection spell unless..." Began Jade.

"Unless father and the royal guard are away." Completed Ren sighing as her two sisters looked at her quivically .

"What do you mean? Did father and the royal guard leave the palace?" Inquired Jade as Ren all of sudden became quiet walking back to her bed expressionless.

"Tell us if you know anything Ren, please." Sepher pleaded holding Ren's hand.

"Father, uncle and the royal guard have journeyed to the land of the Orix!" Ren's reply leaving Jade and Sepher in awe gasping as they all looked at one another in disbelief.

Land of the Orix.
The traveling fleet from Astrad appeared on the shores of the deep blue sea in the land of the Orix. King Xira and company on the lookout for any trouble, unless they dared deceive themselves that the Orix didn't guard their most treasured possession.

"How long has it been brother since we went on a hunt together?" Xaqa posed the question as they approached the waters.

"Quite a long time Xaqa," retorted Xira.

"We had quite the adventure wouldn't you agree?" Continued Xaqa.

"Yes those were days of our youth and nights of our triumphs together. However, kingly duties, family and everything got in the way of all of that. " Xira looks beyond the scope of the sea as he converses with his brother.

"And here we are!" Xaqa told the king before their most gruesome task yet.

"Tera, Gor and Sika. The three of you stand guard. If any of the Orix folk attack, you will hold them off until we get Syrus' remains. Draka, Kira and Zelem come with us. We have work to do!" The royal guard nodded to King Xira's command before each one assumed their designated role.

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