Vive Le France

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  • Посвящена All the Les Mis fans who couldn't handle Gavroche's death

Gavroche's POV~~~~~~~~~

We are all trying to rally the people. The boys won't do it but I will. "'Ow do you do? My name's Gavroche. These are my people. Here's my patch. Not much to look at, nothing posh. Nothing that you'd call up to scratch. This is my school, my high society. Here in the slums of Saint Michele. We live on crumbs of humble piety. Tough on the teeth, but what the Hell! Think you're poor? Think you're free? Follow me! Follow me!" They follow my words with a chorus of singing. Yes, this is what we've been waiting for. This is too good to stop now. I must keep going, " Watch out for old Thenardier. All of his family's on the make.Once ran a hash-house down the way . Bit of a swine and no mistake . He's got a gang . The bleeding layabout . Even his daughter does her share . That's Eponine, she knows her way about . Only a kid, but hard to scare . Do we care?  Not a cuss. Long live us. Long live us!" I feel the eyes watching me, waiting for more, but instead I start to sing the song once again. The people join. If the revolution was anything in my mind, it couldn't have seemed better than this.


The boys are yelling now about no ammunition. This is my chance. I'm small and fast and not easy to scare, y'know. Plus I could take a bullet to the head and be alive an hour later. Nobody will be able to do this job as well as me. "You need somebody quicker and I volunteer" I yell. That's when I start climbing the barricade. They yell after me, their voices filled with worry and anger, but I need no permission. I'll be back in no time with all the ammunition we need, they'll see. "Look at me, I'm almost there!" I laught gleefully. Someone pulls the trigger and I am hit. Well, too bad for them. It'll take more than that to make me stop. " Little people know, when Little people fight, we" I am hit again. Not enought to hurt me still. " May look easy pickings But we've got some bite!" Another gunfire, and I am shot. Not yet does it harm me. "So never kick a dog. Because he's just a pup. We'll fight like twenty armies. And we won't give up. So you'd better run for cover When the pup grows......" I hear a gunshot and finally I feel the pain of all the bullets course through me. I cannot go on. Not anymore. The last thing I am able to do is lay myself down and hold the ammunition out where the boys can get it.

The Little Pup-A Les Mis/Gavroche FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя