Gavroche's Speech

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Grantaire is gaping at me, but I couldn't tell you why. I was just apologizing because of what I saw, and he acts like I just confessed to murdering someone. "Mon dieu, Gavroche! It was not your fault! We should have stopped you," he exclaims. His voice wavers at the start of his last sentence. I know he is trying to make me feel better, but it's not working. All it does is make everyone feel worse, so I chip in, "And then what? Who would've taken my place? The volunteer? One of you? It was what was supposed ti happen, and any other way, where would I be? Wherever those who obviously lived are, I'll bet. And where is that? I cannot say, but I would hate it." Enjolras raises an eyebrow. "And how can you be sure?" he asks. "Well," I start. I reach over and tightly hug Grantaire, "I wouldn't know where to find you."

The Little Pup-A Les Mis/Gavroche FanficWhere stories live. Discover now