Gavroche, Age 26

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Now I am 26 years old. Marrius and Cosette are 35 and have two kids. I am happy to say that I am the older one's Godfather. Her name is Abella. Abella is 4 years old and their son Tavin is 2. Tavin looks like Cosette and Abella looks like Marius. They're adorable!

Right now I'm at their house with Eponine, who has come around and is best friends with Cosette (what a relief!). We're having pancakes with Cosette and Marius, who I can safely say cook better than the Thenardiers (not saying much, really). 

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this is really to rant. Some writer wrote a book about the revolution and forgot to include the fact tat the Boys, Eponine, and I are alive. Someone write a play on it. Nothing about our existance now.

I wonder what the future will be like if there's no record of our survival. No one will know we all are here right now, nothing will include how we did make it through to see France after the revolution, and there will be no place on Earth that will see us when we were children and have the brains or the guts to wonder what we look like now because they'll think we died. I hope that people now know we exist...

The Little Pup-A Les Mis/Gavroche FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon