"The Sun Shining Brightly"

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M/N finished his case around the afternoon and scheduled the court meeting to be next week,he got ready to go before Minghao walked in.He smiled "Oh,hyung.You're here,I'm just organizing my folders and we can go",the older laughed "Okay then,mister lawyer".The younger was quick in organizing and finished in a few minutes,they walked out the office after M/N turned the lights off.Minghao held his hand "It's a bit cold out so stick with me,I want you to stay warm",M/N pouted "I'll be fine,hyung.You don't need to be so attentive to me".Minghao let go of his hand and crossed his arms "Go ahead then,walk downstairs by yourself",M/N started heading to the stairs before he was suddenly pulled in a hug.Minghao kissed his nose "Yah,were you being serious?You know I have to be like this,it's my job",M/N sneered "It's embarrassing,okay?You can do it when we're alone,but it becomes annoying when we're out in public".Minghao pat his head "Fine,I'll make sure to not embarrass you whenever we're out in public",however,he would go back on his own words when he carried M/N and went down the stairs.He was proud of himself but M/N was genuinely upset,he tried to get down but Minghao was sure to never let that happen until they arrived at the car.

Once they were at the car,he put M/N down and teasingly pat his head.The boy pouted and hit his shoulder "You're such a meanie,hyung!",the other chuckled as he opened the door "Just get in,we're gonna go somewhere".M/N went in but was still upset,he buckled up as Minghao got in and started the car.He put his seatbelt on and smiled at M/N "I got you some comfortable clothes from the house,you can change if you want",he started driving and played some tunes.M/N simply untied his necktie and took off his jacket,he folded his sleeves and fixed his hair.Minghao turned to him with a confused expression "Really?",M/N gave him a blunt stare "Yes,hyung.Really".He rolled his eyes before feeling Minghao hold his hand "What now?",Minghao grinned "Nothing~".He kept driving and M/N simply looked out the window,however,their hands stayed linked.

When they arrived to the park in Busan,Minghao parked the car right under the shade of a tree.He took off his seatbelt and gave M/N a grin "You ready for my surprise?",the boy rolled his eyes as he unbuckled his belt "Shut your trap,hyung".The other casually left after M/N went out,he walked by his side and held his hand "Haven't you forgotten about what I did by now?Also,must you be that upset over a small thing?".M/N glared at him "Small thing?Hyung,I have a reputation there.That small thing could have become the reason I become known more as a brother's boy rather than a successful lawyer with no losses,you could put my life on the line simply speaking",Minghao sighed "Fine,I'll stick to my words".M/N looked away with disgust "Thanks a lot,hyung",he was about to let go of his hand but Minghao didn't let him do so.His hold was tight but he managed to keep a cheery expression on his face,they finally went under the shade of a tree with a whole picnic was already set up.Minghao sat down and pat by his side,M/N went down onto the cloth and got the cooked barbeque "Did you get someone to do all this,hyung?".Minghao laughed "No,I actually got some help",out of a sudden,Jishu appeared behind the tree and sat next to M/N "Missed me,baby?".The older grinned before kissing the younger's lips "A lot,actually",Jishu hit his chest "Hey,stop that!Don't make me blush in public,it's embarrasing!".M/N shook his head as he leaned close "I don't think I want to,cupcake~",Minghao scoffed "And you say what I do is embarrassing,look at you now".M/N coughed "Least I'm the one who gives it,not the one getting it",Jishu took a bite of his barbecue "Mhm,this is pretty good.It just needs something,I don't know,spicy".M/N went to get some hot sauce and Minghao gave Jishu a smirk,they had a little plan and it was already rolling

As the breeze became cooler and frequent,M/N was happily playing with Minghao and the smiles on their faces were wide.The older got the younger in his arms and gave his neck kisses "Caught you,my prince!",M/N giggled as Minghao's kisses tickled him "F-f-fine,you win!".He turned around and hugged him "I love you so much,hyung",Minghao laughed and kissed his neck one last time "Me too,cupcake".He lifted him up and shouted "Yah,Jishu!I'll borrow your fiancé for a bit,I promise to return him!!",Jishu gave him a nod and Minghao wasted no time to bring M/N away.They stopped when they were behind a large tree trunk and M/N was brought down,the boy was confused "Why are we here?".The other grinned before revealing a necklace from his coat pocket "I bought this for you last week,I engraved both of our names in the diamond heart so you know that I'm always here for you",he instantly put it on his M/N's neck before kissing his forehead.M/N wasted no time to just hug him and bury his face in his chest,Minghao rubbed his back before feeling wetness on his chest.He chortled "No need to cry happy tears,buddy~",he kissed the top of his head and kept him in his arms.There was no need to explain how much he loved him,it was obvious just from how he acted.

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