Canines (Closed)

59 6 26

Read this note all the way through please before adopting: This batch is gonna be a variety (NTA, OTA, etc). And please DO NOT adopt if lgbtq comes to mind. Like for example, pink does not necessarily have to be bisexual nor rainbow does not have to be gay. Okay? Cool. Heterosexuality is a thing, too. So nothing basically overly-used, cliche nor a lame reason is what I'm getting at, okay? Other than that, here they are. PS: They can be ANY canine (Wolf, fox, etc).



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1. FCFS (Closed)
Theme: Splash Of Color
Reason: Painter of a story
Owner: xXGoldenPshycicXx
Note: Since eyes are closed, owner freely decide on eye color

2. NTA (Closed)
Theme: Hellhound
Name: Kitty
Reason: Story and main OC
Owner: ZaydenEclipse

3. NTA (Closed)
Theme: Pretty In Pink
Name: Tashuri
Reason: Likes it
Owner: rr1356

4. OTA--Personal favorite (Open)
Theme: Seize The Night

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