The Company Boss

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AKA The Sexy Boss. AKA The most successful businessman to ever business. 

Mortal Enemy: Anyone trying to steal his woman.

Relationship status: Single. He's looking, but he can't find anyone because they all love him for his wealth/success/looks.

Interesting note: The Sexy Boss is a very intimidating man overall, but the Heroine tends not to be impressed. She quite often impresses him when she doesn't seem to care about all his wild success and treats him like a regular human being. No one else has ever done this before.

Habitat: Extremely tall places, expensive places, charity events, mansions, and somewhere cheap and casual where the heroine often visits. He tends to bump into her a lot, especially if they don't work together. When they work together, he's probably in a meeting or a chair, somewhere the heroine can easily ogle him.

Rarely seen: Losing. He's the epitome of success, after all!

What does his company do?

Nothing related to the plot and/or many, many things. Gotta diversify that portfolio!

Default expressions: Smirking, watching, bemused (but only by the heroine)

Physical Attributes:

Tall, imposing

Tends to be in his late twenties.

Athletic. When he's not working on his company, he's working on his body.

Dresses impeccably

Handsome/sexy/appealing...But more in a foxy devil kind of way that draws you in when you know you shouldn't. He's not really a purehearted do-gooder.


Spouts off random business terms and phrases.

Makes more money than the richest man in the real world (Bill Gates has a net worth of almost 80 billion US Dollars? Pah! This Sexy Boss is worth 200 Billion).

Harbors a tragic past.

Expects the heroine to be like everyone else.

Finds the heroine's awe of him cute/endearing.

Finds everyone else's awe of him gross and immediately knows when someone likes him for him vs when they like him for his money. Get a life, you creeps.

He's the boss. He can fire people and often thinks about firing people for petty offenses like frowning at him.

He drives a great car and has a stunning apartment. This is almost all we know about what he does.

His slinky secretaries are hot and into him. If she's the heroine, she's not slutty. If she's just a minor character meant to sneer at the heroine, she's totally a slut.

Has many acquaintances, but not many friends. Tends to like to keep to himself.


The Heroine; over time he comes to learn that he would risk losing an entire empire (or his company or riches or what have you) to keep her safe and loved.

He doesn't really have any other weakness until she comes along, but if he had to tell you one, it's probably got to do with some ugly secret about his past and how he came to be the man he is today.

Common background info:

Since he's pretty tight-lipped about this stuff, we really don't know a whole heck of a lot about him besides what he deigns to tell the Heroine. We know he's successful, we know he rapidly rose through the ranks and not everyone will like him for that. And we know it's not all lollipops and cotton candy.

Bottom line is he could really use some character development (or maybe a big, drooly dog). There are lots of different kinds of bosses out there, but when he's supposed to be a match for the heroine, he tends to get boxed into a tiny group of traits.

As usual, I'm not picking on anyone intentionally, I'm just giving you a list of the generic boss type character we often see! :) Enjoy. If you have characters you want to see, or additions to this or any other article, please do comment!

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