Meeting Peter

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Andy's POV

I searched around in the darkness so I can find something to light the room up a bit. After, some searching I was able to find a lantern. I turned it on, and it nearly blinded me because how I was in the dark for so long. I looked around to check my surroundings. But as soon I turned around i seen a very tall pumpkin. "HE LOOKED LIKE HE WAS 9FT TALL!!!" I thought in my head. Who is this guy he is kind of creepy? Then, I began to speak. " W-who a-are y-y-you?" I said while stuttering. Honestly, I was kind of scared because how tall he is. " I'm Peter the Pumpkin, nice to meet ya!" His voice sound like Alastor for some damn reason. "H-how l-l-long have you b-been in here?" I asked. He then looked at me with a little flirty smile on his face. " Oh, you're a shy one aren't you~." He said in a flirty tone. My face turned a little pink after he said that. I look at the ground embarrassed a little. He crouched down and held my chin up so I can face him. " Don't be embarrassed Apple Blossom~." He said in a flirty tone AGAIN. " Did he just give me a nickname." I thought in my head. My face started to turn even more pink. He then began to chuckle because how I was reacting.

Peter's POV

This apple is so cute I don't want him to leave I want him forever with me. Soon it's going to be Mating/Heat season maybe when that season comes, I'm going to fuck him.  After, a while we just talked and played a game of tag ect. When it was time for him to leave, I had to get his name. "WAIT!" I yelled. He stopped and turned around to look at me. " W-what is your name?" I asked.    "Andy. Andy the Apple." He spoke. " Wanna meet up some time?" I asked. He nodded and left.

He Must Be Mine~

My Sweet Apple Pie~ ( Andy the Apple x Peter the Pumpkin )Where stories live. Discover now