Reader X Hikaru!Tsundere! :: Prince

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Hikaru is a prince from a royal family. He lives in a castle and has a twin brother named Kaoru.

Your character (Y/N), is inspired by Angelina Jolie in Maleficant. You have a classy posture, calm voice and expression that is almost emotionless but filled with agony. You are also extremely beautiful.

But you're also a classy way *winks*


"Y/N, I've been raising you for this your whole life! What do you mean that you don't want to do this?" Your mom asked.

In a few days, the royal family was going to choose a bride for Hikaru Hitachiin.

"Mother, I do not wish for an arrange marriage. I'm still 18 years old."

"Also, we're middle classed villagers. The royal family would choose high classed girls. Plus, I have no interest in a man like Prince Hikaru" You added.

"Dear, if you marry Prince Hikaru, you'll be able to have a life! You can afford better clothes, food, and have wealth." Your mom said.

"I don't want you to end up marrying a man like your father" She added.

Your father was the most wanted criminal in seven kingdoms around the world. He was known as "Dodger Rush," with a bounty of 900,000,000. That is how horrible he is. Being a daughter of his was a disgrace.

"I don't care for wealth mother...." You sighed.

Your mom frowned, "if that's what you want. Then it's alright"

The next day, the king's servant rode to the village on horseback.

"The king changed the plan for the prince's arrange marriage!" He announced.

"He has choosen the daughter of the infamous criminal in this kingdom, "Dodger Rush," to be the bride of the prince to pay the debt of that wanted criminal."

"Y/N, L/N!"


"Curse you father" You pounded the table.

Your mom had been watching you curse at everything for the past ten minutes.

She had already packed your bags and left them near the door.

"Y/N...Please behave yourself." She said.

You glared and the floor and sighed.

"Fine." You replied.

Then, a black carriage stopped at the front of your ugly and torned down house.

"Tch......Bye mom" You frowned as she kissed your cheek. You grabbed your bags and roughly/angrily opened the door, which caused it to break off the wall of your house.

You just stood there with a door in your hand. Your mom facepalmed as you put the door back and went inside the carriage.

After a long trip from your village to the castle, you got off the carriage and was greeted by a maid.

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