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"Max, everything I'm saying is true. I swear it."

"Oh, come on. You were attacked by three people who want you dead for no apparent reason and one of them is supposed to be a nerd that isn't or wasn't really a nerd?"

"Well if you put it that way, it sounds like a funny joke."

Max sighed.

"It's not funny. And I want to believe you, I really do. But it's not that easy. You say they were talking about passing some sort of test?"

"Yeah.", King nodded

"So what do you want to do? Or what are you going to do about it? We can't go to the cops, obviously."

"Why not?"

"Why not?", Max raised an eyebrow. "They'll think we're crazy and lock us up in an asylum, that's why not."

King was silent for a moment.

"They're going to come after me again. And they're not going to take any chances the next time they do."

"What makes you think that?"

"I know it. And I'm sure as hell gonna put up a fight. I'll see you later."

He'd finished his cereal and dumped his bowl in the sink. As he headed for the door, Max gave him a pained look.

"And what did your last servant die of?", he demanded.

He grabbed his briefcase and left, shaking his head. Kids these days.

Grinning sheepishly, King went back to the sink to do justice.

If he'd known what was in store for him that was right outside as he'd picked up his bag and headed out, he would've stayed back inside and faked being sick so Max wouldn't force him to go to school.

"Hands in the air. Put 'em where I can see 'em!"

King glanced around, rolling his eyes. What was it with people thinking they had the upper hand, just 'cause they had a gun pointed at your head?

Because you'll get shot if you try anything funny, Captain Dumbass, he thought, cursing himself.

Six agents had surrounded him, spread out in a semicircle with their hands on their holsters. The man who had spoken earlier was on point and his gun was still levelled at King's head.

"I won't repeat myself again, son. Hands on your head, get on your knees and lie facedown."

King smiled.

"Calm down, old timer. Nobody needs to get hurt"

"Not if you do what I tell you"

"And if I do-"

A shot rang out. King bristled, fearing the worst, when a bullet grazed his cheek a microsecond later, streaking a line of fire. He gasped, whipping out a mirror from his pocket and angling it to his cheek. There was a small gash and it had started to bleed already. King glared at the man.

The agents laughed briefly.

"Son of a-. What happened to 'Ask questions first, shoot later?' ", he complained.

"Warning shot. And I'm tired of talking. Do the needful, now."

Slowly, King raised his hands.

"What, you got nothing from your big bag of magic tricks this time?", the man taunted. He was visibly disappointed. He actually expected King to try something. Acting on orders, he couldn't shoot him but he could rough him up.

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