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King flicked off his light and bolted for the door, throwing himself next to it as it swung open. With practiced ease, he leaped out of the way before it flattened him and ran outside. The personal guards were too busy trying to put out the fire to notice him.

He waited until Pierre had come out of the cell to see what was going on and he burst into the room. Blue had taken quite a beating, he mused. Her lips were bleeding, she had cuts and bruises all over her face and one if her eyes was blackened and swollen closed. She was breathing heavily.

"Took you long enough." she groaned weakly.

"Told you we should've done this together."

"If we'd "done this together, we'd have both been captured, stupid!" Blue snapped.

King rolled his eyes and knelt to cut her bonds with a pair of shears he'd found in the storage room. Or engine room. Whatever.

"New plan. We escape."

King was incredulous. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"What are you talking about?"

"Our cover's blown. We need to get out now while we can." Blue answered impatiently.

"But Pierre-"

"Doesn't matter. We get caught, we escape or we take the pill. That's in the briefing, isn't it?"

"I'm not going anywhere. We can't just give up."

He'd expected Blue to change her mind and stay. He wasn't sure who was more surprised next: him when she ran past him and out the door or Pierre running back into the cell and finding it empty. Or at least that's what he thought.

A brass knuckle to the back of the head sent Pierre into oblivion and King scooped him up before he hit the floor, half carrying, half dragging him.

Blue had reached the end of the hallway, vaulting over the banister and landing on a sofa. King bounded forward to follow suit, until he realized he was carrying someone. Suddenly, a thought struck him and he frowned. He leant over the banister.

"Where are the rest of the guards?"


"This place's supposed to be heavily guarded, isn't it? So where are they?"

"Who cares? Just grab him, let's go!"

"Oh now, you've changed your mind?"

"Shut up and move!"

King dragged Pierre down the stairs, panting with the effort. Blue kicked the door open and ran outside-

-right into Sergeant Keys. He signaled and the SWAT team moved into the house. A few stayed behind and surrounded King, aiming their pistols at Pierre.

"Thank God, you're here." she gasped. Then she frowned.

"Wait, why are you here?"

"Change of plans, cupcake. New orders from the boss. We kill him. Here. Now." Keys barked. He grabbed a pistol and aimed it at Pierre, who was beginning to come round. He saw the pistol and began to struggle.

"Keys, don't do this. I'll give you anything you want."

It was King's turn to frown "You two know each other?"

"Damn right, boy." Keys grunted, lowering the pistol "He killed my wife!"

"It was an accident!"

"AN ACCIDENT?!" Keys roared, clicking the safety off and taking aim once again.

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