does he have no heart? {chap.2}

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 He started....laughing? great! no, I am even more dumbfounded than before. " you never fail to surprise me " he said while laughing. "But I have never surprised you, we have not even talked properly except for fighting. WHEN was it that I surprised you? I asked.

"Well, It wasn't only me that u surprised, it was the whole school mostly the students.                         if you don't know then I'd be the happiest to tell"

"Please do" I replied.

"The first time was when posted a video and a picture of you and your girlfriend kissing, that shook the whole grade. The second time was when.......... and lastly, now, when you replied to me with " NO, I cannot move my ass". He listed.

"so, do  understand, or must I give a few more examples?" he asked 

'No sir, thank you, I think I understand now ." I said

" I did not know you talked so much, why don't you talk in school, you might get friends you know," I said. 

Cedar ignored me and ate the pasta that was being served by the waiter, I did not expect much of him, he still is CEDAR. At least he talked a little bit and it might have been fun, only a little bit though!

After eating dinner we took some rounds of the compound and then went home, Cedar and I did not have another conversation after we talked before.

Once we reached home, I went straight to my room and changed into my night suit, and lay down on my bed. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw a scene of a boy, he had fluffy black hair and beautiful grey-bluish eyes and he was laughing without any worry like he hasn't gone through any bad thing, his world is just perfect, his face...was refreshing. It felt good to see such a beautiful face. Whose was it again? Ahhhh, It was Cedar's face. How did he reach me in my sleep as well? I fell asleep happily.

My alarm clock rang the next morning and I woke by falling off the bed, way to start a morning! 


I shook my head and told myself that I have a girlfriend that I love very much and she cannot be compared to Cedar.

I got ready and left for school and had breakfast, brother dropped me at the bus stop because he had to go to college. I boarded the bus and reached school. I went to find Alexi and Kaden like I planned to. I wanted them to know how Cedar came into my life like a wassup bitch!

I was not very lucky here because when I reached school, there were only 6 minutes for school to start so I had to meet Alexi and Kaden after 3 hours which was during the break. As soon as the break started, I went to pick up Alexi and Kaden from their classes. We walked carrying our lunches, and them listening about how I came to know Cedar and the things going on  in my life . I did not have the chance to talk about the dream or rather I did not want to talk about it because...well.......if I did , it would not be something that Alexi would be comfortable with as she IS my girlfriend and I am talking to her about a [handsome] guy that came in my dream . It would look as if I am cheating, which I am not so I just abandoned the thought of telling them.

At the end of the conversation, Alexi said to me "babe, you better not fall for him and leave me . You are and always will be mine and I am and always will be yours, No one can break what we have, you got that?". I was tearing up. Such sweet and heartwarming words I deserve them? Kaden then added " Bitch you better not let him interfere with our friendship ." I felt guilty and started crying. These 2 are my soulmates, they will accompany me to hell and even to the gates of hell, and I never want to lose them, it will be too great of a loss. I just cannot imagine my life without them. They make me feel all good emotions and I try my best to do the same. I am not even a bit hesitant to say that I am who I am because of them. Both of them hugged me and said "we love you!"

We then finished our lunches and headed to the P.T grounds where some competition seemed to be going on. Once we got closer we could see that Ashton Cliff and Liam Hordes were arm wrestling while Lordene Canary was judging them. Liam was known for being kind, gentle, and strong, he is a very attractive person and also has a CEO for a father so he has many people, girls to be more precise as his admirer. Ashton was the student council president of the school and also had a very likable face, his father was the prime minister so he too had a lot of fans surrounding him. Lastly, Lordene was said to be the most beautiful in the grade. She was also a very kind person but at the same time was a badass person as well, she had a single mother and unlike most people in our school she had a normal household in which everyone had normal jobs, no CEOs or prime ministers and I felt like sometimes I would like to get close to her and be good friends with her as she did not seem to have any friend who was girls, only boys surrounding her every day she must get tired.

Ashton suddenly walked up to me and said "Lynn, why don't you leave that little girlfriend of yours and come be with me." This was obviously a prank or a joke so I replied with a no which I would do even if I was not. It was a blunt answer but what did he expect? I have a girlfriend who loves me and I love her, why would I go to someone else not knowing how they will treat me in the future.

"Ashton , Ash , ASHTON!" I screamed "Are you there ?" i asked again and again . "oh sorry , I zoned out for a minute there. I'll leave first then." he replied. 

 This was not like Ashton . I asked Kaden and Alexi to go back to their classes and I started following Ashton because I knew he was not alright. As I followed him to class 1-B he turned around and said "Lynn ~ I know your there~ , Honey~~" I was creeped out . I then asked him 
"Ashton are you alright ? your complexion is pale " "Oh I am fine  Lynn " he said. As i got closer to him to see if he had fever, he started to remove my sweater. he was trying to unbutton my shirt, My body froze and I could not move out of fear. Ashton suddenly bites me on my collarbone, he turned me around and grabbed me from my waist. he he moves his hand downwards and slips his hand under my underwear and whispers in my ear in a deep voice "Your very wet down there" Tears come out of my eyes and I cry out loud "please stop, Ashton are you drunk, this is not like you!" 

I moved my eyes and I see Cedar. I try to communicate with him through my eyes but he continues watching. Does he have no heart? Then I look his way again, he isn't there anymore. 

My hands and legs start to quiver. My body can't take this anymore. suddenly I hear footsteps and I am so relieved , I feel hope ! Kaden comes into the classroom and kicks Ashton in his stomach , takes me away from him and we go to the nurses office. Kaden immediately puts me in the hospital bed and asks the nurse to see if I had gotten hurt. I feel a little guilty and i close my eyes for sometime to feel at peace.

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