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Owen Grady tells his little sister about his adventures on dinosaur island when he went and trained his little sister just in case she went on her own little adventure

Main Cast:

Melody Grady

Darius Bowman

Yasmina (Yaz)

Ben Pincus

Sammy Gutierrez


Kenji Kon

More cast:


Dr. Henry Wu (Dr. Wu)

Mitch (Season 2)

Frederick Bowman (Mentioned only in past)

Owen Grady

Dr. Meriwether

Hap (Season 2)

Tiff (season 2)


Brandon Bowman (season 1 then season 5/ mentored as well)

Warning: Melody Grady has on her a knife and taser hiding on her person and a personal emergency phone on her at all times to contact Owen Grady her brother

Let the story Comanche....

Darius x Melody (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now