Episode 1: Chapter 1 Part 5

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Previously on Camp Cretaceous...

Darius interrupts the bicker with a speech/pep talk

Melody: I with Darius on this one

Kenji: so, I am so we're going south whether you're coming or not

Everyone just nods and walks south of the island

Ben: *screams*

Everyone else screams in fear but melody

Ben: sorry stepped on a twig

Yaz: come on man

Sammy: you gave me a heart attack

Brooklyn: not cool

Kenji: maybe I should step on you

Darius: it's okay Ben we're all on edge

Melody: I agree with Darius

Yaz: and lost

Brooklyn: yeah

Sammy: we've been out here for a while now Darius are you sure we're headed towards the park?

Brooklyn: we'll be sure if we still had my phone because it has a GPS, a compass app and is also a phone

Yaz:  Sammie didn't steal your phone no one stole your phone can we please talking about the phone

Ben: guys can you please keep it down

Kenji: my fellow campers what we need to do next and decree as Leader is to stop talking and just listen to Darius

Melody: wait I'm the babysitter and you made him charge of all of us? *Confusion*

Darius: huh?

Kenji: you got us camp alive and plus I can blame you if anyone gets eaten alive now so witch way Darius

Melody: *face palms*

Brooklyn: please you're trying to cover the fact we're lost to no us know where we are

Darius & melody: I know where we are were by the Carnotaurus padding I thought this place looked familiar *as a union*

Kenji: I am excellent leader or what?

Melody & Darius: I remember the fence *as a union again*

Darius: the broken fence ripped down fence

Ben: that means Toro is out here with us

Melody: this isn't good

Darius: I agree with Melody on this one but let's go

Darius x Melody (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now