Ep 4: Ch 4 Part 1

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Darius: Do you want to make it official?

Melody: definitely

They share a kiss again then pull away then start looking for a phone to use but no one understands them then suddenly they run into Sarah and Kylee

Melody: oh, I'm so sorry
3rd Pov:

Kylee: it's fine trust me

Sarah: you kids look like you need help

Maisie: we do

Melody: do you have a phone on you? *Holding Darius's hand*

Darius: if you have a phone that would be great *holding Melody's hand back*

Brooklyn: a phone would be great right now

Yaz and Sammy and Ben: indeed *as a union*

Sarah: *pulls out here wand and casts a spell and makes a phone appear in her hand*

Melody: so yes, you have a phone? *Not questioning the magic*

Sarah: yes *giving Melody the phone*

Kylee: you guys can keep the phone we could was conjure up more

Melody: Thanks again for helping me *taking the phone from Sarah and winking at them*

Sarah: oh, please I'll help you any time in moment just give your owl a letter and we'll be there in a blink of an eye

Melody: I know you will Sarah and Kylee and tell Harry I said hello

Kylee and Sarah: we will *waving bye and walking off*

Darius: you know them?

Brooklyn: I... Magic?

Ben: like magic is real

Kenji: I won't doubt magic wasn't real

Sammy: well what are we waiting for?

Yaz & Maisie let's get this over with a call someone *as a union*

Melody calls a number she knew by heart and its rings and rings and finally Owen answers the phone, and she told him where she was and everything else like Darius's Brandon number and then calls Brandon's number and tells the same thing then hangs up after giving Brandon Owens number

After the call

Melody: there I called two people and they both know we're here and there coming to get us together

Suddenly Kenji kisses Brooklyn on the cheek

Darius: Lemme guess you're a thing now?

Darius x Melody (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now