Untitled Part 33

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I hear noise, and mumbles.




I am awake but I do not move.

My ears tune into the static,

"Jasmine. I...I...I dont know what to say! Who are you? No, I know who you are but I dont know who you are. How can this be possible, it cant."

Niall's POV

I continue to apologize to the still human...I cant quite grasp what it is exactly that I am apologizing for. Maybe it's for me, for her or for the girl who knocked her out. I dont know. It just feels right, and you know that feeling when something feels right, it can't be wrong.

I'm ganna come out clean...I know her...not her, but her, her face and...the worry in her eyes...I've seen it all before. Never awake of course, but in my dreams, for the past week she has waltzed into them, shining a smile. But why? I have no clue.

I check for her breath. It has not discontinued.

"Jasmine?" I softly say, it barely making a sound. She lies there eyes closed, chest moving, but no sound being made. "Jasmine, I know this is weird. I'm freaking the fuck out." I cover my mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry...I." I mouth the apologized-for word and shut my eyes. What is happening? This all has to be a coincidence. There has got to be some scientifical data to back this up. I open my eyes and still, she lies there, making no subtle movement.

Fuck science. This is...unfuckingexplanable...

All my life, I've been looking for my princess.This could be her and if those movies have ever taught me anything, it's to take chances and be courageous. To be the prince, a princess deserves.

And next thing I know my lips are against hers and they slowly grope her soft skin. I open my eyes and pull back. The feeling of her lips on mine was better than any my dreams have ever made it seem. Her eyes twitch before slowly opening, I sit there baffled, she looks at me with shy eyes, her cheeks fill with blush and I find that courage to say something that could get me put in the nuthouse.

"You were in my dreams..I'm not crazy, just bear with me." I take a moment. "almost every night, you have clogged up my mind. I need closure...why-why are you in my dreams?" Her mouth opened but nothing came out but short empty breaths, I couldnt blame her, I mean if somebody told me exactly what I just said, I would have probably flipped shit. Finally she spoke,

"How am I supposed to answer that. i just had a dream where i had dreams about guess who? you. then I wake up to find out that that was a dream to. all of it, I went through hell in that dream...Nightmare, just to wake up to the real world."

"you're telling me that we both have dreamt of...each other." She sighs and smiles, she shrugs. "it seems too much like..like a-

"fanfiction." she answers with a serious worried face but manages to smile.

"I was going to say fairytale, but I suppose that works too." I laugh.

"oh, right...can i ask you something?"

"of course. what is it?" i cover my hand over hers.

"what did you dream about?" the questions leaves me at a blank, I don't know where to start, where to end. "I mean, all i can remember is meeting you,,,and then meeting you again. I don't know if we were dating or if it was a casual thing..but I know I cheated on you in my dream."

"son of a bitch." I laugh trying to make her feel better because that's actually pretty hilarious, she breaks and starts to slightly laugh but remains to be still enough to not put pressure on her injury. "I can't tell you I remember that exactly, but I've only dreamt of us. Just dates and hanging out. you're face was always a little off but I knew it was you, when i saw you today."

"did any of them happen to have a jeep?" she bites the inside of her mouth. I try to remember and I can see a jeep and the both of us lying on the hood of the car. I nod. She sighs and closes her eyes. "please tell me that when i open my eyes I'll be home and this will be just another dream."

"why would you want that?"

"this is all too crazy to be real."

"Crazy is real, Jasmine. Oddly, it's what keeps us sane. We would get bored. my life..it's batshit crazy. i'm in one country one day and another the next. millions of people, i don't know...know who I am, where I live and when i was born. it's a hectic life but I'm happy to be living it instead of in a boring office space or behind a computer at home. yeah, people who live those lives, the have more personal time and privacy, but there are pros and cons to everything. you have to take the good with the bad and accept the rest. This, whatever this is, could be the best thing that has ever happened to us. i know this sounds strange, but we could be..you know, soul-mates or some shit..or we could leave here, friends. Either way this has happened for some reason and we can't let it slip." I'm out of breath by the time i finish and she is staring at me. i can't tell what she is thinking, leaving me to fear the unknown.

"I dont know what to say. I'm just a girl who enjoys writing stories and nature. there's nothing special about me, what is it that brought me this?"

"Everyone is special. Just because maybe you cant draw or cook or sing, doesnt mean you aren't a puzzle piece in the world's jigsaw puzzle...without you, something would be wrong , the world would be incomplete." She smiles, I remember the smile, so distinct so sweet.

"Thank you. I dont know what is going to become of this, but i hope we at least stay friends."

"I don't know you, but I have a good feeling we just might." I squeeze her hand and sigh out of happiness. "I know this might be fast, but can i kiss you?" she nods while smiling, her eyes glisten. before i can lean in, her hand acts like a barricade between us.

"one thing..."

"what's that?"

"If you ever meet someone named Dexter, please stay as far away as possible." There is confusion on my face. she just laughs and shakes her head. "Nevermind." She grabs my head and forces the kiss before I can get ready. The spontaneity creates sparks in the back of my mind. Although the dream felt good, it doesn't compare to the real stuff. After a a few seconds we pull away and look at each other.

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