Chapter 27

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Niall's POV

She continues her side of the story...

Each word that comes out of her mouth is a decision.

Should I trust what I'm hearing?

I want to choose yes. I don't care what happened...there is something about this girl that keeps lifting me higher. I can't get away from this feeling she gives me.

For my sake, I hope she isn't lying..what's the point in lying. I don't want to sound conceded but I know I'm a celebrity..I'm not fucking stupid. For once I want a girl who makes me feel like I'm still just the boy flooding the streets of Ireland with my tunes.

"When I took you to Nick' was a mistake. I forgot that she told me...." She huffs, "I'm a fucking idiot." She whimpers into her hands. I've never seen her like this, I'm mean not in the past three months I've known her.

"You're aren't an idiot.." She looks up at me.

"No. Please don't try that. You and I both know I'm an idiot....who forgets something like that..."

"It's not your's no ones fault. Maybe we can find this Katie and set things straight."

"She scares me...She's like fucking Robert de Niro in the movies. I mean from what Ness tells me..."

"She's, what? 14? How could she scare you?" I laugh, internally...deep..DEEP down.

"I don't know..." She chuckles, not the fun chuckle that a happy person would do, because right now, she doesn't seem happy. It's that chuckle you do, when you laugh at yourself..not in a good way either.

I sit there for a minute, the next thing I'm about to say could go one way or another. But right now, I'm the victim.

"Can you promise me one thing?"

"What's that?"

"Can you promise you aren't lying to me?" She softly nods.

"Yes, of course. You have got to believe I would never do that." I believe her, but only for now. I haven't known her long enough to where I can let her carry ALL my trust. No matter how much I want to.

I down the last of the tea. I wait before getting up to put the dish in the sink. She jumps up before I can even get up and grabs it for me. She slowly walks to the sink and begins to wash the cup, she puts it in the dishwasher to be cleaned. Assuming the washer is full, she turns it on.

"I'm glad we got to talk, these past days have been...they've been..." I look over at her, she's staring at the counter.

"Been what?" I tap my finger against the hard wood of her table.

"They've been absolutely horrible. You really don't know how bad it was...and it was only two days!"

"Why is that? I was gone for weeks... You seemed okay." She shakes her head and grins but then it fades.

"I put up a front, of course the laughs were real that I had with Ness. But somewhere, something in me was....missing." I stare at her. It's surprising hearing this. I literally thought it was just me who was over-reacting being away from her for long. Of course I had the concert in my mind too, but during each one...I felt different. "Please don't tell me I was the only one feeling that way."

Jasmines POV

He doesn't answer me, leaving me to think that I must be the only one. A huge bubble of embarrassment pops in my chest.

"So I am...okay. Well, I need to go." I turn and leave the kitchen, my feet drag me towards my room. My ears start to pound, my eyes start to burn and my throat is clogged with a lump that I can't seem to swallow.

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