Two Sides, Same Coin

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This is an essay from school

Black and White. Sun and Moon. Death and Life. Good and Bad. These are commonly known as opposites. But are they actually? Are any of them opposites? That is a question most answer with yes. But is that true?

Gray is a shade. Not a color. That is an easily forgettable fact. Another forgettable fact is the Black and White are also shades. Both are Gray. Gray is Black, and at the same time, White. Gray is the mix of Black and White together, not alone. Without one, Gray can not be formed. Gray is the color that represents everything and anything. Black and White have faults. But Gray is the product of the two. They come together and fill the gaps. Alone they are Black and White. Together they are Gray.

What is Good? What is Bad? Those are common questions asked by humans, but I propose a different one. Why do humans separate good and bad?Good and Bad are forever balanced. When Good is the greater force Bad grows to balance Good. When Bad is the greater force Good grows to balance Bad. Why do humans prefer one when that just makes the other stronger? Even with the other Bad and Good are nothing more than opinions. But they make each other clearer. That is the truth of Good and Bad.

Life is loved. Death is hated, but why? They exist in a balance. If Life disappeared never to be seen again, could anyone truly define Death? If Death disappeared never to be seen again, could anyone truly define Life? They can not exist without each other. In fact they will not exist without the other. What is the meaning of living if no one has any consequences? What is the point of learning lessons if nothing happened to us? On top of that, for humans Life is unpredictable. The only thing humans know is that they will die no matter what. Time, place, the method , none of it stays the same. All humans know is they will die. So why hate the only constant?

Black and White, what are they? Are they colors, shades, world views? The answer to that question is anything. Black and White can represent anything and everything, yet at the same time nothing. Oftentimes humans see the world in Black and White. They do not think about the inbetween of the two. But by doing this humans miss out on a part of life. It is like yin and yang. In good there is always bad and in bad there is always good. Black and White. Together they make Gray.

Sun and Moon are opposites. That is the opinion of most humans. But they have a side to them that most do not see. A side that connects them. The Sun is day, the Moon is night. They rule differently. The Moon is cold and frosty. While the Sun is warm and happy. Moon brings darkness and nightmares. Sun brings light and daydreams. One may think that they are even more different than they first thought. But these things actually bring them together. They show a path, whether it be good or bad. They reveal shadows, yet without the Sun or Moon no one can see them. The Moon brings a blue-ish glow of the night and the Sun brings the yellow glow of morning.

Black and White. Sun and Moon. Death and Life. Good and Bad. Gray is the mix between Black and White. The Sun and Moon reveal a path. The world is more than Black and White. Death and Life are in an eternal balance and Death is the only constant. Good and Bad make the other stronger. Despite being opposites, they make eachother better. Without each other they are nothing.

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