Game idea

7 0 0

Lin Group: Mercenaries

Cosmic Pavillion: Shady and Sell RANDOM Stuff

Heavenly Academy: Teaching, Research, Weapons, Combat, and Any Fighting

Food Family: Any Food Related Item/ Poison and Alchemy

My notes: principal is crazy smart and so is the test to get in. pick student names out of a hat to see what class they are in. plus it is one person every year.


First round (MASSIVE DEATH RATE) multiple choice

Written exam and they have to answer a question while Running. Plus there is a shark whole. Parkour, Demons chasing you, if fail eaten by or fight the demons. Time limit 1 HOUR

Second round (ALSO VERY DEADLY) fill in the blank

Fill in the blank: Alchemy, Cooking, Weapons, Random. Find the demon with your answer and go to the finish line with it. Sorry you must find the Demon Beast and take it to the finish line. You also have to capture it and befriend it. Time limit 3 HOUR

Third round (REGULAR DEADLY)

Demonstrate skills by writing an essay of comprehension of a different person. In the cage surrounded by demon beasts (cause of half the deaths) 0 Time limit

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