The Blame Game

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"We still don't know who that guy was. It felt so wrong leaving him, I mean what if we could've helped him, somehow. I'm trying not to think about it but, school starts again tomorrow. I guess that that's something to look forward to. Anyways I gotta go shower so I'll be writing here again soon."

The sun began to rise and everyone's same old  boring routines began again. The same thing they would do every morning, to do the same thing every day at school, but that's life, you got to do it at some point. The first one to arrive to school was Warren. He stood there at that same bench they always sat at together waiting for people to arrive. A few minutes passed by and a familiar face walked up the stairs onto the blacktop. "Shay," Warren yelled in raw excitement. "It's almost like I just saw you yesterday," Shay responded in a sarcastic tone. "Where is everyone." "I have no idea, you're the first one here besides me and the bell is about to ring. We need to talk to the road trip group about not telling anyone about what happened. The cops already interrogated us enough with the other case, we would be stuck in quicksand with this." Warren said.

They waited a bit longer with the hope of more people coming, but the bell rang and everyone else was late as usual. A few hours went by and it was soon lunchtime. The group all gathered one by one at the lunch table that they usually sat at. "Sooo how was the trip," Isaiah said to break the awkward silence. "What?! Th- the trip it was fun," Warren said in panic. It was bugging Warren, he wanted to say what he saw, but without saying it. " I'm not staying quiet about this anymore, one of us killed Katie." "Huh," Monique said. Everyone sat there in confusion.

"Warren what are you even talking about, who would even do that," Hassarie said with slight anger. "I don't know but it makes sense it all does," Warren replied. "I think it's Shay or Amy, didn't you both like her and she rejected you both. I remember you both being really upset." Alli said. "What the fuck Alli, why would you even bring that up," Shay responded with a hurt and shaky tone. "I mean you can't even be talking Alli, it could be you for all we know. The chances of it being you are way higher than of it being me. You guys were fighting right before her death, plus I don't even like her like that anymore, that was last year!" They went back and forth with shouting until a sound broke the chaos.

Everyone in the group got a notification. They were all tagged in an Instagram story. "Which one of you guys posted on our group account," Warren asked. "It wasn't me," everyone said overlapping each others voices. "Somebody did it, just speak up," Warren insisted. "It's stupid, you know what let me see what y'all posted." Warren opened his phone to the account and clicked on the story. "Whose guts do you wanna see become the next big story! Choose before tonight it's gonna get bloody!" Warren read it slowly, trembling in fear. "That's fucked up who did that. It's not funny, I don't know why any of you guys would even do that," Amy said in disbelief. "Wait does it have names," Amy added. "There's a poll," Warren replied, "Shay or Alli."

"What the fuck," Shay yelled. Alli took her phone out of her pocket, "Shay," Alli said to herself. "Alli what the fuck why would you even vote," Shay yelled. "What? I mean it's between us, and I am not voting myself. Plus it's probably fake anyway." Shay tried to grab Alli's phone out of her hand, they tugged on it for a few seconds but then finally Shay got it. "I'm deleting the post, and go die Alli. You're always so fucking full of yourself, grow up." "Shay you shouldn't even be talking. You cant even keep a damn relationship." Alli yelled back in frustration, as she grabbed her phone back. "And you cant even get in a relationship," Shay added. They felt guilt after saying that but didn't wanna show it. They went back and forth once again with constant fighting. "I don't want to be involved so I'm going to go," Amy said. She walked away with Monique and Hassarie behind her.

" I think I'm gonna go too," Star said uncomfortably. "Oh fuck off Star." Shay yelled. "What did I do? I just want to go," Star criticized before walking away angrily, Pearl following her side. Shay started packing their things and ran off to the bathroom in embarrassment. "Well that was a cat fight if I've even seen one," John chuckled. "Someone posted the story again," Leilaney uttered while showing the phone to everyone. "People already voted. What the fuck, it's like the whole Katie thing didn't happen," John said. "I bet Shay did it. They just went to run off to who knows where, for no reason," Alli accused. "Why would they put their name though," John asked, "Obviously just to clear the suspicion around them." Alli was building a deep distrust with Shay, and she was confident she was right.

Shay sobbed in the bathroom alone. They felt a deep guilt, they were upset and just exploded. They didn't know how they were gonna fix things, they felt as if they had just failed everything. "Oh my god, have you seen that weird poll going around." A girl from outside the stall said. " Duhh, it's literally going everywhere. People who don't even know them are voting. It's totally fake though, right," the other girl asked. "Totally, it's just some joke. I voted for the Shay girl. They're just an annoying hoe bag." The girls both giggled and walked out the bathroom. Shay began to cry even more. The bathroom door opened again, and loud footsteps walked across the bathroom. Shay watched as the feet stopped at the door of their stall. A knife pierced through the bathroom door, scraping to the bottom of it. Shay screamed, crawling under the space of the stall to get to the one next to them. They ran outside of the stall seeing a figure in a ghostface mask.

The figure jumped at Shay, missing and breaking into the mirror. The person got back up and slashed Shay's arm. Shay cried in pain, trying to figure out what to do next. The killer was blocking the exit of the room, so Shay ran back into the stall standing, locking the door, and stood on the toilet to hide their feet. They began to doubt their plan, the killer obviously knew where they were but they didn't wanna just stay out there with the killer. It was silent for a few minutes so Shay decided to look under the stalls to see if there was anything. Shay saw nothing, it was empty. Shay slowly peeked out the stall door and saw something written in blood on the mirror. "You wanna live, do the job yourself." Shay looked down into the sink below the mirror. There was a knife placed there. Shay got water from the sink and wiped the mirror. Checking their surroundings, they slowly walked out the room feeling empty inside, but not empty handed.

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