Love Is Weakness

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"It was Monique's 17th birthday, and everyone was going. It was gonna be a big and fun party, until it wasn't. We didn't realize it yet but a third murder was gonna take place. The identity of this person is still unknown but the murder wasn't the first bad thing to happen that night."

"Which one do you think I should wear? This one or this one," Monique asked. "The second one fits you well, the first is a bit, you know basic," Hassarie replied. "Yeah I was thinking that too, I am so excited for tonight, what time is it?" "It's 6:14 so 16 more minutes." Everyone in the group had their number ones. Hassarie and Monique were really close, they had other close friendships as well but they were unbreakable. The vibration of Monique's phone broke their conversation. "Could you get that for me," Monique asked. Hassarie picked up the phone and answered, "Hello?" "Who is it," Monique whispered, "German," Hassarie answered rolling her eyes jokingly. She handed the phone to Monique.

"Hey, I'm busy right now, see you tonight," Monique said with a smile on her face. Monique and German have been dating for 2 years now, they cared for each other a bit to much sometimes. Monique's mom walked into the room, "Hurry it up, everyone's downstairs now." Hassarie helped Monique finish up. Hassarie hugged her one last time before they went downstairs , "Let's do this," she uttered. Monique walked down her stairs Hassarie behind her, everyone cheered. This party was the first time Shay interacted with anyone in the group for a while so it was a big deal to them.

The party started with music, drinks, food, laughter, chatter and more. Everyone gathered in the living to play a variety of games such as cup pong, twister, truth or dare and so on. Shay stared at their phone is fear, the poll vote was not going in their favor. As of right now it was 64% Shay and 36% Allison. Shay didn't really talk to anyone yet unless you want to count the games they were playing but it wasn't an actual conversation. "Hey," Warren said slowly. " You can't just sit here alone all night, you know that right?" "Oh yeah, I just don't know who to talk to. I'm still kinda in my own world," Shay said in a louder voice because they wanted to make sure he could actually hear them through the music. "Well like, where have you been? You kinda disappeared after you know," Warren asked not wanting to say the exact phrase but Shay knew what he meant.

"I've just been home," Shay responded fidgeting with their hands. "Hey, you're usually good with this stuff, what do you think could happen after the poll. I wanna tell myself it's fake but I can't believe it for some reason." "The poll? I mean I don't really know either. Alli's been taking it really serious though. It all kinda reminds me of the incident," Warren chuckled nervously. "What do you mean Alli's been taking it serious," Shay questioned. "Well she's been telling everybody to vote for you, like she's been paying people," Warren laughed awkwardly. Just as Shay was about to open their mouth John walked into the conversation.

On the other couch another conversation was being held. "Have you seen Monique," German asked Hassarie in a loud voice to overpower the sound of the music. "I saw her like a minute ago I don't know where she is now," Hassarie replied. "Is it okay if I just sit here to wait," German asked. Hassarie nodded her head in confirmation, signaling him yes.

On the other other couch sat Alli, Leilaney, and Star. In all seriousness though Star was just sitting on the couch and got dragged into this awkward conversation. "Hey Star I saw your Instagram," Alli babbled. "Yeahh, what about it," Star replied. "Well I mean you've seen the poll right between me and Shay. Oh wait yeah you were there when we saw. Shay was so rude to you, I'm sorry about that," Alli said in a very obvious fake voice. "Yeah," Star mumbled. "Well like have you voted, if not vote Shay," Alli demanded. Star did vote the night it got posted. She was confused as to how Alli didn't see that she did because she's on the group account but she thought maybe she could play along with it. "Me, no I haven't voted," Star said, she knew she was lying through her teeth but maybe she could just get away with it. "Oh well you know just asking a little favor, if you want," Alli said again. "Well you guys are lame, I'm gonna go dance with that cute guy over there. He's literally been eyeing me all night, later losers," Leilaney said in a joking tone.

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