Two Steps Forward, One Step Backwards

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Screams. Endless Screams. He was there dead on the floor. Time was up. Alli dropped to the floor when she saw his lifeless body. She felt as if she had a big pit in her stomach. Her body felt helpless and just gave out and fell. Her vision began to get blurry as her tears flooded her eyes. "Somebody call the cops," Leilaney screamed. Shay frantically patted their back pockets searching for their phone. They took it out and started to dial 911. Hope was lost, whatever they did to fight always got turned against them. They were fighting a battle no one would win. Sirens overlapped the sound of screaming, talking, and crying. They took his deceased body away to where he was never seen again. "Excuse me ma'am, do you know this boy," the officer asked Alli. "Uh yes, yes I do know this boy," Alli responded with guilt. "Can you tell me his name," the officer questioned. "John. John Preciado."

It was two days after his death. It seemed that the whole sacrificing someone thing was another joke. It was some made up distraction to scare everyone and keep people on edge. It worked. Many other big and many other smaller fights broke out within the group. However at this point the group knew they had to work together. Fighting is what the killer wants, but it won't ever help them in the long run.

Warren, Shay, Pearl, and Star had all gone out. They all decided to have a day to themselves to serve as a distraction. Everyone else was invited but either decided not to go or just couldn't. "Did you guys watch the Grammy's," Shay asked to start up a conversation. "Bruh I didn't even realize they were on until like half way through," Pearl chuckled. "I would've watched them but I didn't even know they were on. I was too busy playing Monopoly by myself," Warren added. "By yourself?" Star replied with genuine curiosity. "Yeah, haha. I mean it's not super fun but it's not like I have anyone else willing to play with me. I'm my own best friend," Warren said with a smile on his face. Everyone laughed together. "The ice cream place is right around the corner," Warren yelled. Bursts of excitement hit everyone. Star, Pearl, Warren, and Shay all ran to the store, with the bell ringing as they opened the doors.

Alli decided to stay home that day. She didn't feel like doing anything at all. She hated the fact that she was beginning to feel numb to all this. "You wanna do something me and Briza are going to go to the mall if you wanna come," Alli's sister said trying to make Alli feel better. "No Zoey, I'm fine. I feel like just being in bed today you know," Alli responded. "Yeah I get it. Well if you need anything don't be afraid to text or just anything," Zoey sighed while walking out the room. Alli's relationships with many people were confusing. Her relationship with John was very bipolar if that makes sense. She didn't know what she was supposed to feel about him dying. What she did know is she felt all the guilt.

Hassarie and Amy were both hanging out at Amy's house. They hung out quite often so this was normal for them. "Let's watch a movie," Amy suggested. "What movie," Hassarie asked. "I don't know, anything. We'll just go on Netflix and randomly pick something," Amy requested. Amy took the remote out from under her pillow and handed it to Hassarie. "Go, pick something, anything, or put it random I don't care," Amy told Hassarie right before she left the room. "I'm getting us snacks," Amy hollered. Amy went down the stairs to get her snack. She looked through the cabinets to find the best things to eat. The sudden sound of a door creaking open struck Amy's attention. She turned her head quickly scanning the room. "Hello," she yelled out only to get no response. She turned back around rummaging through the kitchen for things. Once again another sound struck her attention. It sounded like the scraping of metal on a wall. She speedily opened the knife drawer to keep for self defense. As she looked inside however it was completely empty.

"Your total will be $36.75," the cashier addressed. "Guys we only have $33.00," Shay whispered to the group. "Can we take out the Cookies and Crème ice cream we don't have enough sorry," Warren asked. A man standing behind them offered to pay for the extra $3.75. "You're so kind, thank you," Shay exclaimed. The guy looked at Shay and just nodded his head smiling. They all sat down at a table eating their ice cream. A call came from Star's phone. She picked it up and checked to see her mom calling her. "Hello," Star said as she picked up the phone. "You and Pearl need to come home now," their mom said in a panicked tone. "Why," Star asked. "Just come now," their mom said right before ending the call. "Is everything okay," Warren asked. "I don't know but it definitely sounds like somethings wrong," Star stated. "We have to go sorry guys. It was really fun though, bye!" Star told them frantically. Star and Pearl both got up and began to walk back home.

Alli was extremely tired. She did stay in bed all day but got no sleep. She had dark circles under her eyes and a tired voice all the time. She decided to finally do something with this time of boredom and depression. She got up and started a murder board. She wrote down every murder that happened the time, date, how it happened, who they were, and everything else she could possibly write down. She got string to attach from person to person. She put all the clues together. However something wasn't adding up. In the center of the board everything added up to one person, but it didn't make sense at all. The person that it all added up to was her.

Amy looked around the counter trying to find the knife, but still nothing at all. She decided to get a wine bottle to use to smash on the persons head. She quietly snuck across the room to the sounds. It was all leading down the the basement. She opened the door to the basement and walked down the stairs. She tried her best to be as quiet as possible but the stairs down seemed as if they were screaming every step she took. Around her fourth step the sounds stopped. This caused Amy to freak out. She walked the other ones quicker to just figure out who it was and because the other method was taking too long and revealing where she was. She went down and still saw nothing. Then the lights went out. It was almost pitch black in the basement. She used the little light she got from upstairs to see around. She peeked around the corner and saw a tall figure standing there with a knife. She snuck up to them with the bottle in hand. She was getting ready for her strike when the lights turned back on and she saw her step dad. "What are you doing down here," Amy asked. "The lights down here haven't been working correctly so I've been trying to get them to work. We don't have a screwdriver so I'm using the knife to unscrew the lightbulb, sorry if I scared you," he said. "No, I'm fine. I'm gonna go back upstairs, Hassarie is waiting for me," Amy rushed back up the stairs with her snacks in hand.

Hassarie had found a random movie that had good ratings and decided to go with it. She had waited for a while now and got bored. She decided to get out of bed and hide in the closet to scare Amy when she came back. Hassarie opened the closet and inside saw a ghost face costume. Hassarie stared in fear and confusion. She noticed on the mask of the outfit there was blood. It was fresh as well. This blood was recent, too recent.

Pearl and Star had finally arrived home. "Hey you guys have a friend named Leilaney, correct," their mom asked. They both nodded their heads. "Well I was in my room minding my business and I heard crying and screaming. I looked outside and saw a girl crawling on the sidewalk leaving a bloody trail. It was Leilaney," their mom stated. "What," Pearl yelled. "Where is she," Star questioned. "The ambulance just took her away, she wasn't breathing anymore when they got here, I'm sorry you guys." Star and Pearl looked at each other in disbelief. "I need you guys to stay home no more leaving this house," their mom affirmed. Another friend gone they were approaching the blood bath.

Final chapter coming next Monday at 6:00 pm.

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