Sex Ed by BadLuck

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Book: Sex Ed

Author: BadLuck

Reads: 1.4 Million

Status: Incomplete/On-going (hasn't updated in 5 months but...look out lol)


Katherine Lutz is one of the most famous, most beautiful students at Lucifer Institute. And that's saying something, considering that she attends a prostitute school. Her biggest objective is to become the #1 student at Lucifer and pay off her debt as soon as possible. Along the way, she accidentally falls for her manipulative professor, Justin Miller. There's just one problem; the school prohibits love relationships! Introducing the new series, Sex Ed, a hilarious and heartwarming tale about finding love in the most unlikely places of all!


My Rating: R? lol Just yeah. :)

What did I think of it? :)

This was a fun read. I remember that much. It's been forever! lol And it's cute, but has personalities certainly.

I read it so long ago but I wanted to share it with youuuu guys anyways. So read it, check it out. Whatevs. I know it's been forever since she updated but still. I dunno. You could add it and see what happens. :)

DO NOT HOUND HER (OR ANYONE) TO UPDATE THOUGH. It can be rude and even if done nicely can grate the nerves. I dunno that you would but if you liked it I don't want it to be my fault. lol xD

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