Shift by Lana_sky

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HOLY SHIT IT'S AVAILABLE. Go read it. And her. And stuff. NOW. e.o

Book: Shift

Author: Lana_sky

Reads: 197k reads (but it had more before she took it down for however long, but it's back!)


A life of tragedy and abuse has driven eighteen-year old Loren Connors tight into her shell. As far as she’s concerned, it’s better to be weak—pathetic. Too insignificant to matter to anyone else.

…Until a wolf comes knocking—literally.

Bill McGoven is the reclusive police officer who seems to be following her every move. He’s always one step behind, watching her from the shadows though she doesn't know why. But, one night, when tragic circumstances push her to the limit, he’s the one who comes to the rescue—but is he really saving her, or just throwing her into a world of more danger?

It’s not easy finding out your entire life has been a lie, or that the very man threatening everything you've ever stood for is the one you might never be able to live without...


My Rating: It is R, but not every bit of it.

Status: Completed and Sequel to come! :)

What did I think of it? :)

Okay, so this does have a sex scene some people may find disturbing, I believe the author warns people, but Imma warn you, 'cause it's bad but done under circumstances that kinda call for it, so if you read you'll understand, maybe, but you still might that's the warning. I don't want you to be totally put off, 'cause I like this book, but I believe even the author says that you might not agree with what's written. Just fair warning, so if you think you might get offended by it (yes, I'm trying to avoid saying anything specific, 'cause it's really up to you and she does warn you) then don't read. No one's pressuring you. I was put off a little, but I read anyways. So read at your own risk. :)

I absolutely love this story! It's a bit odd, but it keeps you hooked all the way through. :) PLUS, it'll have a sequel. One day. lol :)

The characters are really well developed and you really root for the two main characters. There are even other characters you can't help but love or hate! Some deserve the hate though. They're just plain evil jerks that need to die. For real.

It is obviously a werewolf story so, if you like those you'll like this! :D It's just phenomenal! :)

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