His To Keep by Lydia161290

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Book: His To Keep

Author: Lydia161290

Status: Completed.

Reads: 7.5 million


Ava is ripped from her life by a sadistic priest, who leads a very sinister and secret life. She is forced to live in a room with his son, trapped in a house of hell. Day by day her innocence is torn apart, but despite witnessing horrific events, she finds herself caring for the boy with dark secrets of his own.


My Rating: R

***Triggers. Well maybe not but be careful. :) It's a creepy, horror type story obviously so be mindful and be careful! And stop reading or talk to someone if it does trigger anything. :)***

May not be suitable for you if you have problems with graphic situations not involving sex and it's also got horror (? I guess horror or just really bad...like, I dunno situations with graphicness).

What did I think of it? :)

I thought it was great. You root for this almost or all the way through! It's so twisted and wonderful. I read it so long ago but I do know that I loved it then. :) Maybe I'll re-read it now that it's back!

I like stories like this--it's one of the first I read on here like this! Not all of them are and I like this dark love story. :)

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