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I keep my eyes open and look up at him his friends come over bullying me by saying. Bully1: you're such a waste of space and air no one needs you around.( my poor litte cinnamon roll😞) he sead as he starts to kick me in my arms and lags as he uses his quirk to make the impact stronger. Bully2:go why don't you stop coming here you're not going anywhere in the future anyway you loser. As he picks me up and holds me up as Bakugo starts to use his quirk to give me burn marks and scratches the last thing i remember is kachan saying is. Bakugo: you know their is a way to get a qurik. I look at him with hope in my eyes. Bakugo: just take a swan dive off the roof and hope you get a quirk in your next life. All hope that was in my eyes where gone and was not going to be back fo a while. I grab my things and head home as their us no point in going to school today. Deku: Mom im home. As my mom groans at me and sead Inko: aren't you supposed to be at school right now I look at her with a sad expression and tell her i got sent home early. Inko: whatever just go do something with your self and I better not see you again. I was starting to think about what kachan sead.

fake smile sad Deku X TogaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt