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Deku: maybe i should consider suicide I mean my mom dose not care about me and it won't bother anyone. As I get ready to leave i hear my mom say. Inko: and wear do you think your going. Deku: to go do something but before i go i just want you to know i fucking hate you. I then close the door and leave as i get to the school i hear kachan call my name. Bakugo: what are you doing now nerd. Deku: taking some advice form a friend im going to take a swan dive of the roof. As i turn around and keep walking I hear foot steps behind me but i ignore it. I get on
the roof of the school and take off my shoes and walk to the gate on the other side of the gate and jump I close my eyes and jump as i feel the wind on my face as im falling i then hit something soft I open my eyes to see a girl caring me as we make it to an ally way she puts me down and hugs me. Deku: who are you are you someone that I upset. Toga: please don't kill yourself their are people in this world that love you. Deku: oh ya who no one here wants me around. Me and her sit on the ground. Toga: sorry. Deku: for wha-. I feel a sharp pain in my are before passing out.

fake smile sad Deku X TogaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin