Chapter 1

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Strider's Pov
Its been some time since we have had some rest we finally made it out. We got evac after surviving a trap that lead us to a category g Akrid after barely managing to kill it we had a GAN-36 pick us up the VS we used was beyond repair.


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Me: I thought i was of old age. what the hell kept you?
Pilot: Whaddya mean what kept me? I was returning to base when I picked up the signal of a category G Akrid. Hell your lucky i found you!
Me: Wait you mean your not the retrieval team?!
Pilot: Damn... you guys were set up too, Huh?
Me: What do you mean?
Pilot: Take a listen to this.
??: I want to retrieve as many of you at once
Join up with the others at the rendezvous point.
And we'll get you all out of there.
Me: Who sent that transmission ?
Pilot: The unit that sent that transmission doesn't exist. And there's no record of a rescue squad either. The whole thing was a complete set-up. All the other units deployed to destroy the mine were wiped out.
Me: Why would someone do this?
Red x4: Who knows? there are so many of us now. With so many people, some are bound to rub each other the wrong way.
Me: yeah, but I don't know any Snow Pirates who are capable of something like this.
Death summer: The Category G definitely tore the hell out of this place. The ambient temperature is dropping rapidly.
Red x4: This whole area is about to go to hell in a handbasket
Me: I dont get it. There's nothing to be gained by wiping out Snow Pirates... unless you got some kind of grudge.
Mr Baykal: think NEVEC could be behind the
Me: maybe
Pilot: hold cot something it's coming fast... shit rocket hold on to somthing!


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