Chapter 2

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Strider POV
I woke up to a ray of light hitting my face and our room I got up and then stretched hearing a few satisfying pops. I then thought of a way to wake up my team.
Me: Alright boys get up we have one day till initiation!
Summer and Baykal got up without protest Red groans and gets up slowly
Red Burns: Why so early cant we get up later?
Me: Stop complaining this is the most sleep we've gotten in months.
Red Burns: Fair.
Summer Was gathering his things
Baykal Stone: What do you think the new students coming will be like?
Me: Who knows but lets go to the cafeteria we still have an hour till they get here.
Red: You had me at food.
Me: Alright lets go.
We all headed for the cafeteria after we entered we saw what was probably 2nd and 3rd years they all gave us looks we ignored them and moved to grab some food
Red Burns: What you think they have?
Summer Mortem: Lets find out
We walked up they had a variety to choose I grabbed some flat fluffy soft looking food it had a strange liquid in a container by it as i was leaving one of the cafeteria workers spoke to me
Cafeteria worker: Arnt you going to put syrup on your pancakes?
I looked back and gave the liquid a look before deciding to try it I grabbed the container and poured it ofer the pancakes as he called them set the container down then went to sit with the others
I set the plate down then grabbed the fork and knife to eat. As soon as i took a bite it was amazing ive never had something this good all my life and quickly at more until it was gone
Summer Mortem: Must be good if you ate it that fast?
Red Burns: maybe ill try it next time:
Baykal seemed to already be done reading a book
Me: Alright the other new students should be arriving around now lets go see what they are like.
Summer Mortem: Sure.
Baykal nods
Red Burns: Think any will be fun or interesting?
Me: Only one way to find out.
With that we left to the court yard area near where the bullheads were landing then i saw a blond girl rushing away with a group of people leaving a small girl with black hair that had red tips and a red cloak behind she then tripped over another student bags a girl with white hair was then yelling at her while shaking a fallen bottle causing dusk to esacpe  I decided to intervene
White hair: Do understand the damage you could have caused  is any of this sink-
Me: Hey leave her be it was a simple accident
The girl in the red cloak looked like she was about to sneeze she did then she did it caused a chain reaction from the dust in the air exploding
White hair: This is exactly her kind of carelessness i was talking about
Red cloak: Im really really sorry
you complete dolt what are you even doing her arnt you a little old to be attending beacon?
Red cloak: Well i-i
Red steps in
Red Burns: Hey calm down it was a simple accident princess!
A black haired girl with a bow who was reading a book and a bottle in another hand walks up
Black hair: Its heiress actually heiress to the schnee dust company one of the largest producers of dust propellant in the world.
White hair: finally some recognition
Black hair: the same company infamous with its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners.
White hair: Well how dare the nerve of-
Red cloak was giggling
The white haired girl the snatched the dust container from the black haired girls hand and stormed off
Red Cloak: I promise ill make this up to you!
I guess im not the only one having a ruff first day...
So whats-
The black haired girl walked off
Red Burns: Hey you alright?
Red Cloak: not really
Red Burns: Hey its the first day not everyone going to like you
Red cloak: yea i guess
Red Burns: By the way whats your name.
Red Cloak: oh its Ruby Rose
Red: nice to meet you ruby im Red Burns.
Me: Same here Im Drak Schwarz .
Summer: glad to meet you Summer Mortem.
Baykal: Nice to meet you miss rose Im Baykal Stone
Ruby: So are you going to be attending beacon?
Me: Yes we are also new students.
A blond boy the walked up
Blond boy: Hey im Jaune
Us: nice to meet you
Ruby: Ruby
We then started walked threw the court yard
As Ruby and Jaune were talking about an incident that happened on the way here.
Jaune: All im saying it that motion sickness is a much bigger problem than people let on.
Ruby: Well vomit boy was the first thing that came to mind.
Red was chuckling at that
Jaune: Oh yea what if i call you crater face
Ruby: Hey that explosion was a accident!
Jaune: Well the names Jaune short sweet rolls of the tongue ladies love it.
Me/Ruby: Do they?
Jaune: They will my mom always says that- never mind.
Ruby: So i got this thing.
As she pulls out a massive scythe
Jaune: wow is that a scythe?
Ruby: Its also a customizable high impact sniper rifle.
Jaune: A what?
Summer: Its also a gun
Ruby: Oh so what do you got!
Jaune: um i this sword I got a shield too
Ruby so what do they do?
Jaune well the shield gets smaller so it's easier to carry.
Me: Would it still weigh the same?
Jaune: yea it does.
Ruby: seems more like a family heirloom to me well i like it not many people have a appreciation for the classics.
Jaune yea the classics so what about you four
Me: ah well we all have the Gunsword except for Baykal.
I take out the assault rifle the deploy the bayonet

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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