Chapter 1: The New Comer

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As I'm whisked away from my lonely and familiar ward that I've grown so used to that I don't mind that it's just me. Those shiny luminous walls of Franklin Hospital in North Carolina. This place has become my home ever since I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago. It was rough the first couple of months, because of the blood tests and treatments that were taking place inside my lonely and bare hospital bed in a room all to myself.

The fluorescent lights flicked mindlessly, until they came to a stop. I finally noticed that this was another empty new room with an extra bed. I wonder if this was for me, but I thought otherwise because it didn't have my usual medication on the little bed side table by the window.

"Ok, honey it's time to get settled!" Said the perky nurse, who usually handles my medicine and IV tubes. She had the generic plastic name tag with the name Samantha written on in sharpie.

"Ok, thank you!" I start getting out of bed to move to the other bed in the room. A hand pushes me down softly as I sink back into the carrier bed that I was wheeled into.

"No honey, you stay in that carrier while I wheel in the bed that you will be staying in." She said a little too sweetly for my liking. I waited for what seemed like hours, until she finally came around the corner with my old bed from my room.

"Here you go!" She exclaimed.

"Thank you." I said with no emotion in my voice.

I hopped out of the carrier and jumped onto the familiar cushion of my bed. I sunk down into the soft covers as far as I could go and closed my eyes. I heard the beeping of my IV machine in the corner of the room and it felt like I was in my lonely room again.

As I started to drift off to sleep, the door slammed open with a loud CRASH. I jumped and my eyes snapped open at the sudden noise. In the doorway stood the most astonishing sight. A boy about my age standing stock still, when he saw me. He took a step into the room and just stood there. The last thing I saw was the little fleck of gold in those petrified, beautiful eyes of his, as he bolted down the hallway.

~End of Chapter 1~
*Please note that this chapter and the ones following are unedited!! If you have an suggestions for a short story I can write, please message me the general plot of the story. CHAPTERS WILL BE RELEASED ONE BY ONE EVERY WEDNESDAY!!!!! Happy reading!!!💖💖💖

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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