Hit It Off

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Annabeth POV

Wednesday Night

Annabeth opened her eyes. The last thing she remembered was walking the streets of New York early in the morning, hoping she'd see someone or something to help her get home.

She had taken refuge in a bank that had just opened and ended up falling asleep in the lobby.

The desk attendant had asked her to leave and as she made her way out the door onto the growingly busy street, her vision went dark.

Now here she was laying on the ground in another room with one door.

She cursed.

How the hell had she let herself go right back to square one?

After all that trouble escaping the first time?

She groaned, looking around. She seemed to be in some type of building this time, the walls were a lot more sturdier and they were grey.

The ceiling had more than one light but other then that, the room was empty.

There wasn't even a chair.

The door was wooden and had a little window but it was covered so Annabeth couldn't see out of it.

She knew better then to break the door down, especially when she didn't know what awaited her on the other side. She'd gotten lucky last time but she doubted Ethan would make that mistake again.

Annabeth's stomach rumbled and she clutched it, wincing. She hadn't ate since the day before, the last time Ethan had brought her bread and water.

She put her back to the wall and slid down it silently, watching the front door and all but willing it to move.

After that didn't work, she closed her eyes and concentrated. She reached out with her mind, probing and prodding for anything her senses could lock onto that could help her get out of here.

She could sense that she was in a large building on at least the 2nd or 3rd floor.

She couldn't sense anyone moving around but her nose twitched as she fought to get more information.

She was able to faintly smell the aroma of the Horde and this began to worry her. A building full of monsters? No weapon? Held hostage by the host of the Titan Lord Kronos who was looking for her almost boyfriend (who happened to be a murderer) and his unreasonably powerful Amulet that everyone was pining after?

Not good.

She was on her own, yet again. She fought back tears and blinked hard, glaring at nothing in particular.

Suck it up girl, she thought to herself, you've got to be smart about this.

So she did.

Besides, she didn't have enough dignity to squat over another bucket especially in front of Ethan.

She cringed and chuckled a little as she imagined the bucket of her urine splashing into her captor's face over and over. Not her best moment but it was well deserved.

Or so at least she thought.

Annabeth felt her eyelids getting heavy and she fought to keep them open.

Her head was spinning and her body ached badly. She was hungry and dehydrated. She wouldn't be much good in a fight right now, much less running away.

She figured if she got some rest, she'd have more energy and then she could plot her escape as she did before.

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