One Mind

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Annabeth POV

Saturday Afternoon (close to 4)

Annabeth had been warring with herself about sitting in the cabin since Thalia had dashed out well over an hour ago.

Her neck tingled a little while back and her senses went into overdrive for a reason she couldn't explain.

Her ears pricked and she had stood up, her body moving on it's own accord as it tried to track the source of her angst.

Then his voice came to her, locking her joints into place as she fought with herself about the bundle of emotion that washed over her.

"Here I am." He said, she could tell that he was a little distance away but her hearing had picked it up as she'd already had been listening slightly out of curiosity. She knew he couldn't have been talking to her but still, she felt he was and before she knew it, she was crying.


Her tears seemed to burn against her skin and she realized she was angry as she wiped them off of her face with aggression.

She was in no position to take on the Titan host, especially since she was still recovering, but she couldn't resist the urge to bury her dagger into his face. She wanted to kill him for what he'd put her through, put her friends and newfound family through.

She stood, shaking off her emotions. She hadn't even realized she'd sat down and she began to pace as she glanced at the door while she calmed her breathing.

She had to see him. She had to let him know that she wasn't afraid of him, that she had the strength to look him in the eyes after what she'd endured.

She imagined Thalia and her friends facing him and her heart turned to lead when she imagined Ethan becoming Kronos in an instant like he had when she was held captive.

Grabbing the handle of the the cabin door, she fought with herself about what she would do once she was outside.

Would she run into the field carelessly? Hope to see Ethan and hope she'd hold up long enough to kill him?

Her hand slid from the handle weakly. There was no use. She'd only distract Thalia and Piper and anyone else who cared for her from staying alive. She couldn't be that selfish to be a burden to them.

Not when it could literally cost their lives.

Suddenly, she could hear her mother's voice in her head. She could even see her face, regal and beautiful all at once as it were when she first met her what seemed like forever ago.

You are my daughter, she had said, ask no more of this. A war brews. Prepare. Be ready. I wish you well, warrior.

The last word resonated through her and flashes of herself fighting since she'd stepped foot into this world was vivid in her mind.

She was her mother's daughter. War and wisdom ran through her veins, it was apart of her. Battle strategy was something she'd come to excel at quite swiftly and she knew it was because of her mother. Battle was second nature, her instincts frighteningly tuned to adapt in a split second to whatever she put her mind to. Her mind was her power. Her knowledge.

This was what she would use.

All she had to do was calm down and think.

So she did.

Closing her eyes, Annabeth shut her heart out from all it had endured up to this point. Allowing only room for logic, she opened her eyes with her mind firing off ideas and plans of how to bring the Titan to his knees with the help of her friends.

Feeling a switch flip in her head, she snapped and resisted the urge to say, "I've got it!" It was too cliche for her taste.

She knew how she could contribute in this war and help her friends hold the fort until reinforcements came.

She'd have to be beyond discreet and she probably would get herself killed if she went about this the wrong way.

She went back to the door and opened it, stepping onto the cobblestone path and following it to the armory.

Sounds of battle drifted to her sensitive ears and Annabeth had almost grown accustomed to it as well as the eerie emptiness of the campgrounds while everyone was out fighting.

She could hear the monsters of the Horde growling and snarling, roaring and gnashing their teeth as they tore at her friends with no remorse. It made her angry but she focused her breathing, feeling her body tingling as it filled with restless pent up energy.

Getting to the armory, she grabbed one of the only chest plates left and strapped herself into it. Grabbing a helmet, she slipped it on and flexed her shoulders to get accustomed to the weight of the armor.

She couldn't find any arm guards or leg guards but she did manage to find a shield in somewhat decent condition. This boosted her confidence.

She made her way out to the arch, watching as the battle roared on.

Her heart slammed in her chest but she swallowed thickly and steeled her nerves, stepping across the border and making her way to the Hill with the rest of her comrades.

She moved quickly with her head down, eyes darting across the field as she came among the crowd of Halfbloods and monsters alike.

She stepped in and bonked a Hellhound in its head and roundhouse kicked it, following up with a solid jab through its muzzle with her dagger.

It collapsed and the Halfblood turned from her, nodding in thanks as he continued to the next monster he could find.

A wave of dizziness throbbed in Annabeth's mind and she fought it off, ignoring the slight ache in her body. She couldn't overdo it or she'd be right back in the infirmary.

Or worse.

Her mind tingled and she dodged to the left, evading the claws of a ghoul who emitted an ugly snarl as Annabeth drove it backwards with a slash from her dagger.

The ghoul leaped and a blast of fire melted it into golden ash.

Annabeth's eyes widened as Leo stepped up to her, his eyes narrowing. "You all right?" He asked.

Annabeth nodded, turning towards the group of dracnae headed their way.

"I'm fine, thanks. Incoming." She said.

Leo twirled his hammer. "Very discreet. Your eyes are a dead giveaway though, Annabeth. Stay close to me, I'll cover you." He told her.

Fighting a smile, she raised her dagger. She was glad Leo wasn't all that concerned with her being there. He understood why she was doing this. And he'd help her.

She was grateful. Now she'd be able to truly fight alongside her friends and defend her newfound home.

This gave her a spark of strength, her nerves igniting with a desire to tear apart every monster that threatened her family.

And she would do just that.

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