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Freddy:babies? What are you talking about

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Freddy:babies? What are you talking about

Meanwhile in the nursery

Toy Bonnie:hmph if anwyone hwrts goldies feelings I'm gonna mess you up

Meanwhile with vanny and glitch trap

Vanny:what if we raise them?
Glitchtrap:I don't know vanny the only experience we have with kids is murdering them
Vanny:yeah but neither do serial killer parents and they still have family's
Glitchtrap:how would you know
Vanny:well I assume it's happened but still we can raise them as our own they lost all they're memories so it's not like they'll know
Glitchtrap;Oh no
Glitchtrap:I'm convinced, let's do this
Vanny:parenting time
Glitchtrap:parenting time

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