𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷

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A normal day at Norberry high school (2001), for the other students at least. Everyone but Michael Jackson who usual blended in with the crowd while walking down the hall to his locker. He clutched his books tightly to his chest looking around like a scared puppy.

Everyday Michael had something taped to his locker. Yesterday it was a condom filled with lotion. The day before that it was a bloody tampon. One can only hope that it was fake blood. Today was a pair of panties with a note that read "I bet you'll sniff these creep".

Michael grew accustom to these bullies and nervously opened up his locker ignoring not only the insanity that was taped to it but the students who laughed at him everyday, as he dug through his locker for his things.

When the bell rung he sighed as he closed his locker. His next class was the class he hated most, Gym.

Everyday he got bullied in gym for not being able to play sports and would often stand on the sideline hoping not to get picked but in order to get his participation credits he needed to be active.

"Jackson on the court now!" Mr. Watson yelled. Michael hesitated before slowly walking onto the court with his head down and his arms crossed over his chest. "Look at this loser" Billy said loudly making the entire class laugh. He then threw the basket ball at Michael's head. A loud thump echo through the gym as Michael fell flat on his butt.

Michael rubbed his head and flinched as Billy got close to him. "Unacceptable Nolan" Mr. Watson yelled as he blew his whistle.

"Come on it was an accident the little shit was supposed to catch the ball" Billy laughed. He held his hand out to help Michael off the floor and when a Naïve Michael nervously grabbed his hand, Billy let go making Michael fall once again.

"That's it Nolan you're suspended from today and tomorrow's game" Mr. Watson yelled.

Billy rolled his eyes and looked back at Michael who was now curled up into a ball with teary eyes. "Sorry buddy my hand slipped" he grinned at him then walked away to the side line bench.

Michael continued to lay on the floor feeling sorry for himself, why was it him? Because he was different? Raised differently? Because he didn't go to parties or loose his virginity like every other boy at his age? His thoughts made him angry. So angry that the basket ball hoop started to shake.

Everyone turned their heads to look around and thought that maybe it was an earthquake. After watching the basketball hoop shake violently it eventually fell to the floor and every backed away in shock.

Michael finally looked up and scooted back from the hoop. He was in as much disbelief as everyone else.
"Damnit this cheap ass school is falling apart" Mr.Watson mumbled under his breath "alright everyone to the locker rooms to clean up" he said then blowing his whistle.

Everyone walked to the locker room joining in normal conversation, some stepping over Michael completely and ignoring him. Michael stood up after everyone cleared the gym and walked into the locker room with his head down. He walked to his locker and opened it to grab his towel then started walking to the shower area.

He was very self conscious about his body. Which is why he'd usually wait for all the boys to leave the shower area before heading in. As the last boy took his shower, Michael looked around before undressing himself then turned the shower on.

The water ran down his face and his back, it was one of the only times during school where he felt he could let his guard down and relax. As he lathered himself up one of the boy came into the shower room and started laughing.

"Jackson?! Are you jerking off in here? Why do you have a boner?"

Michael looked down and got embarrassed. He quickly used both his hands to cover himself before running to grab his towel.

"Hey Everyone come in here and look at this weirdo jerking off in the shower" the boy yelled. All the boys ran into the shower room and started laughing. Billy pushed his way through the crowd wanting a front row seat.

"The fuck are you doing Jackson? You like jerking off in the mens room? Do you like boys?" He said making everyone laugh even harder.

"What no! That's not true! I swear I wouldn't do that...I'm not like that please you have to believe me" Michael pleaded. Billy grabbed a towel off the bench and twisted it up before slapping Michael's ankles with it.

The whip stung so bad it caused him to slip and fall. People were recording him fall and plead for his innocence. When everyone continued to laugh and call him names Michael scooted back into the corner of the shower and started to cry.

"Please stop please!" He yelled through teary eyes.

"Is that why you wait in the corner of the shower room watching us huh? You little pervert!" Billy yelled as he whipped the towel again this time hitting Michael's shin.

"No that's not true! You don't understand! Stop please just stop"

But no one stopped, no one stood up for him. They all laughed and continued to record him getting whipped and verbally abused by Billy.

Michael covered his ears and closed his eyes rocking back in forth mumbling "stop" over and over again. The lights started to flicker and the locker doors started to flapped open and close. The loud sound of the metal was enough to make everyone stop.

"What the hell is going on in here" Mr. Watson yelled.

"We caught this freak jerking off in the shower" Billy said throwing his towel on the floor.

"That's not what happened please believe me" Michael cried out now streaming with tears. The shower room was covered in a white cloud due to the hot water running for such a long time.

"I believe you son come on get up" Mr. Watson held out a hand to Michael. Michael grabbed his hand and the teacher helped him stand up. "EVERYONE OUT!" Watson yelled.

As everyone scrambled out the shower room Watson stayed with Michael and patted his back. "Don't listen to them, as long as you and I know the truth you'll be ok"

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