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It was raining. The dark clouds that formed above indicated that the thunder was not going to calm down anytime soon. To make it even worse there was a thick-dense fog in the alley. -splash
"w-who's there?" Nobody replied.

nothing could be heard except the patterning of the rain and the lightning and grumbling sound that came with it. Because of the fog and rain, there wasn't much luck in sight either. -growwwllll

I feel it now. Hold my horses, why do I feel the thing but unable to see it. Through the thick fog in the air, a pair of emerald eyes were visible. They were almost glowing and they sent shivers down my spine that made me partially quiver. Just as I was about to move forward to check the 'thing' out, it moved at an indescribable speed and attacked me- well it seemed like an attack. I fell backwards into the bricked pavement, and hurt my back.

I could make out the creature now, it was somewhat a combination of Dobermann and a wolf. It had the darkest black fur and its eyes- oh the emerald eyes were mesmerizing and were glowing, its mouth was open showing its sharp canines.

I cautiously moved my hand under my cloak and just as I was pulling out my dagger to attack, it jumped forward to me, I dropped the dagger and moved my hands in defence in front my face and then poof- I waited for a stab or some sort of pain but nothing.
I opened my eyes and the creature was gone. As if there was nothing, I got up to look around, to prove that what I saw and felt was real, but all I heard were footsteps in the far corner. It occurred to me that maybe the gentlemen had witnessed something so I called out to him,

"Mister, pardon me for a moment please!" I shouted as loud as a lady in this dim-witted society was allowed to.
The stranger did not stop walking and I expected him not to. There was no way he could've heard me whilst the thunder.

The stranger disappeared into the fog and I decided that I shan't waste anymore time as someone would find out that I've disappeared back at home. I walked towards the building to conclude what I had gone through the risk for. Right before stepping into the building, I checked my 'manly' attire. It was stained by the mud and I realized it must have been tainted from the puddle on the pavement.

"great! out of all places, i had to fall in the puddle. Come to think of it, it had to rain today of all days!" I thought out loud.

Oh right, did I fail to mention how I ended up here. Let me elaborate on the fact that I am about to commit a crime that could end me up behind the bars for 170 days, for all you slow humans that is roughly 6 months. And by law, it's only a crime for humans that according to society "do not obtain the ability to decide '' -called women.

Let me elaborate further, currently I am standing a few metres away from a polling station, and about to vote for democracy instead of monarchy. YES we have elections that let people, let me rephrase that- men choose which ruling system they prefer. And somehow these gormless men prefer an unjust ruling system.

I borrowed the complete attire from my dad's closet. It's not like anyone would notice. These clothes haven't been worn ever since my parents disappeared. Just as I was about to step inside, I heard a wagon pull up behind me and the first thing that rushes my brain is 'bloody hell not her'.

"Raven, I SWEAR ON LORD THAT IF YOU PROCEED ANY FURTHER I WILL LOCK YOU UP IN YOUR ROOM AND REFRAIN YOU FROM GOING TO THAT BLOODY LIBRARY OF YOURS" the woman in the wagon shouts at a very un-ladylike manner even though she hold forth to me about it.

I turned around to find a woman wearing an Ombre coloured loop gown and had an updo hairstyle which now was a mess. Her skin was a pasty white, almost the colour of marble, without the warmth. Her voice on the other hand would make you desire to jab your own eardrum. She just acts around as if every single soul on this earth had wronged her. Overall I had fouled up my chance at freedom and this woman, who is my dad's cousin, wouldn't let what I was about to commit, pass.

"A-aunt Claire, how did you-" I was about to ask her on how she searched for me here of all places but she cut me off-

"You weren't possibly going to ask me how I found out you were here, were you dear?" I could clearly see that she was struggling to keep calm.

"Actually I am curious to know how you knew-" I replied with an uncertainty of her retort. She slightly moved her lower jaw, as if she was about to speak but refrained herself. One thing I knew is that whatever it was, I would not like it.

"Raven, the whole mansion was upside down when they figured you were absent from your chambers. What the bloody hell were you thinking?" she pauses, and looks behind me, probably to the sign board that reads POLLING STATION, which is going to get me in trouble. And after her realization, she looked at me with a 'confused' expression, that confused me, she continues,

"A-and you were here, at the- polling station. Why would you be at the polling station, Raven?" She said my name like it was something to be of grace, but it got tainted. She next moves her gaze towards my attire which, I know, in her opinion is more a disgrace then voting.

"Raven, pray tell, if I am hallucinating, or are you possibly in a man's attire?" She asks as if it is the deadliest of sins to wear trousers.

"Nope, you're pretty sane. I am in fact in my father's attire, which does not fit me at all." I replied, because if I shall get in trouble, why disclose this out? I always wanted to see her reaction to me wearing trousers. Aunt Claire was blown as if a bolt out of the blue hit her.

"Though I do think these were way from before his marriage as I found them in his closet's attic, he wouldn't wear them even if he were to be here, so I don't think he would mind" I add. This is probably the longest I have talked to about my father. I just don't like mentioning the disappearance and I think everyone is fond of the idea.

Aunt Claire was way too shocked to speak and something tells me that she didn't even notice me enter the wagon. The thing is, it was way too cold out in the rain for me to stand, and I knew there was no way I could finish mu business now, so the only thing to do was go back home as I craved a warm bath. The wagon started moving when I signaled the coachmen to, as aunt Claire was too busy being shocked. I tried convincing her to stop frowning as it would result in wrinkles but she wouldn't budge.

After about a 40 minute ride, the mansion was in view. I laughed at the fact how I always try to run away from this place but end up here anyway. The ride mostly was silent but just as the wagon pulled up and as I was about to move out, aunt Claire decided to make a statement-

"Raven, what would your father think? you wear his clothes and have his name, but are nothing like him." This remark made me still and she got out leaving me to digest whatever she stated. She did not just do that, its not like I chose my last name. I know the reason she remained silent was so she could think of something that would get to me. And to be honest, it did immensely. As I was immersed in my mind, I heard a voice calling for me,

"Your Grace, where were you? We were worried sick!" I saw Terrella asking me and no doubt she would be worried. Terrella is my personal maid, but I like to think of her as my very loyal companion. She is only 2 years older than me. We practically grew up together, and she is my lady-in-waiting, We even attended the same school.

She also taught me how to embroider, so I wouldn't fail in domestic necessities, in return I taught her math. I despised math, but she is mesmerized by it, but on the other hand I also despise embroidery, so we're even. She states math is the 'Devil's language', that too is only accessible to men. You see I have a privilege as a high-ranking noble's daughter, I have sanction to the king's private library.

As I step out of the wagon with Terrellas help, I see an old man with grey hair indicating his old soul, wearing eye-spectacles, rushing towards me. His name is Alfred, and he is the mansion's head butler. He is my archery practice mate. He also is a very patient man who listens to my poetry without protest.

He handed me a warm towel and rushed me into the main wing of the mansion. Alfred did not interrogate me like the rest but ordered people around to bring warm blankets and that proves he is truly concerned about me. I could see the disgust on others' faces, because which 'noble' lady would go against the law?

A whole chapter is coming to end and I have failed to mention about myself. I am Raven Aragon, daughter of the Archduke of Kingdom Velaris, Aiden Aragon and 2nd Princess of Godric, Luna Willow. I am 19 years of age and am constantly trying to win a race, called life, against men.

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