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S:- first time he slapped me because of her. What she think about herself. I am not gonna leave her

He went to her room but when he open the door and saw holding a piece of broken glass and was about to cut her wrist but he snatched that glass and hold her hand tightly

S:- what is too soon to die . you have to tolerate more you know because of you he slapped me first time only because of you and you think without punishment you can die so easily. No babygirl. I will give you punishment which is more than to get die.

He left and was about to go but he hold his hand as there is a big because of snatching. He pushed her and closed the door. He tied her with ropes to chair and took the hunter

S:- now you have to bear same pain which I am tolerating

He start beating her with Hunter.

S:- I had said you many times stay away from him but you

After sometime she got fainted but still his anger not gone. He start burning her with cigarette and atlast he put salt on her bruises so she get up and he left locking the door. Her condition was so bad she can't even stand and fainted there.

This story is completely based on author's imagination don't compare it to real life

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